Chapter 17

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"Thanks for the lift Pete."

"No problem. See you at school Monday!"

"Yeah see you!" (Y/N) called after him as he drove away.

Letting out a large yawn (Y/N) made her way inside finding the sets of stairs the equivalent of mount Everest all of a sudden. Staying up until past midnight wasn't a regular occurrence for her. But she'd had fun.

Sliding the key in the door the apartment was warm against the cool evening breeze. Dads are probably asleep by now, even though they wanted to stay up.

"How was it!?"

Dashing into the room in his pyjamas Maurice was as bubbly and energetic as a child.

"Dad!? What are you doing up this late you'll wake the neiboughers!" 

"Well I wanted to know how it went so come on! What happened!?"

"Dad I'm shattered, I just want to go to bed."

"Come now you're meant to be young, I'll heat up some milk and I've made cookies."

"Okay, but only because you made cookies."


"I love you Harry..."

"I know dad that's the fifth time you've said it tonight." Harry chuckled, his dad's arm slung over his shoulder.

Harry couldn't remember the last time his dad had gotten drunk, but it was a good sign to him. As his dad only tended to drink when he was in an exceptionally good mood. It seemed as though he was finally getting back to normal.

"Right come on dad. It's about time you got to bed."

"What ever you say sport."

"Sport now? You haven't called me that in years."

"What are you talking about Harry you're not even a teenager yet."

"Okay you've defiantly had too much to drink." Harry collapsed into fits of laughter.

Acting as a crutch Harry was able to get Norman to his room, getting off his shoes, jacket and tie before tucking him into bed. Norman laid there silently until some time passed, waiting until he was sure Harry would have dozed off. When he judged that time right he crept back downstairs, completely sober.

Punching in the pin to the door he entered his lab, the lights flickering on automatically. There stood at the center of the work benches his Goblin mask. Grinning at him, as though in anticipation of his arrival, fully aware of the emotions and anger he had been containing since that fateful moment.

"Peter Parker..."

"Peter Parker is Spider-Man."

"He's the one responsible for all your problems. He destroyed your work, he destroyed your company. He wants to destroy you!"

Norman traced his hands over half made bombs next to the mask, his lip quivering from the combination of fear and anger boiling inside him.

"No, he's Harry's friend. He'd never hurt Harry."

Withdrawing his hand Norman didn't want to hurt his son, by hurting his friend.

"It's common knowledge that ones emotions depend on the emotions of their loved ones. If Peter really cares for Harry he would not have hurt you so."

"Maybe we got it wrong? What if Peter's story is true. What if he really did just trip on glass?'

"His cuts are the same as Spider-Man's and we both know he was blatantly lying. He is, Spider-Man!"

"What do I do!?" Norman cried helplessly at the mask, the voice in his head.

Peter was Harry's friend but Spider-Man was his enemy. In any situation it wouldeae to pain for the Osborn family.

"We need to make him suffer. As you have suffered."

"And how do I do that?"

"You need to bide your time."

"Tell me how."

"Patience is a virtue as you soon will find out."

"Tell me how!"

"His heart! Norman! First we shall attack his heart!"

~ The Next Day ~

"Ned sweetheart this came in the post for you."

"For me? But it's Sunday."

"I don't know sweetie, someone in a suit dropped it off." Ned's mum shrugged leaving his room.

Putting his latest Lego tiefighter down Ned picked up the letter. His Lego had been discounted at the you store so of course he'd used the change in his pocket to buy it.

Inspecting the letter it was A4 size, and felt like it had a lot of paper in it. Ripping it open delicately and sliding out the paper a grin came to Ned's face. It was copies of the photos from yesterday.


Printed on quality paper the photographer had obviously been worth the money with how well a job he had done. There were the posed photos with Tony, Pepper and Happy. And then there were the ones of during the reception. When they were sat at their table, MJ with her author and for some reason (Y/N) with a man with white hair and beard. But the best were by far a set of four photos, one of the each of them either nodding in agreement or grimacing.

Happy had dared them all to try a sip of his beer, MJ and Peter had liked the taste a lot. But both Ned and (Y/N) had despised it, and the photographer had caught the exact moment. Then finally there were the photos with Harry. Ned had only met him last night but he was a nice guy, and it was clear Peter was happy to see him.

"What was in the envelope Ned!?" His mum asked from the other room.

Standing up Ned was about to leave his room.

"It was-

The bedroom wall was suddenly blown up! The force hurtling Ned into a wall! Coughing from both the blow and the smoke starting to fill the room from the flames catching alight, Ned struggled to prop himself up enough to figure out the state he was in. But he gave a painful yelp when his arm stung in pain, it was broken.

It was only after the impact that Ned became aware of a omnipotent laughter, a cackle finding entertainment in the affaire.

"Ned! Ned are you okay!?"

There was frantic banging on his now barricaded door.

"Mum stay away!" He choked out the best he could.

The cackling, still very much amused, gradually died down.

"Tell your buddy Spider-Man I said hello!"

Cackling away he dropped a cylinder. From the ever growing rapid beeping Ned knew it was a bomb and that he had to get away. But struggling to move it ceased beeping and released a gas. In seconds the burning apartment was a sea of the stuff, inhaling it in Ned's lungs felt as though they were burning from the inside and out.

And then his head started to become light, his vision blurred forming new images away from the fire through the black.

Guys I'm still horribly ill. So it looks like I'll only be able update every other day this week. Sorry. The gifs aren't working

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