Chapter 21

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Finally, an interesting news paper article, in Norman's opinion anyway. He hadn't cared for the articles about him attending Stark's wedding. Not when it glorified Stark and aided Oscorp. A few days ago the Goblin being covered by the press would have been the end of him. But now, it meant the beginning of the slow and painful end of someone else.

Things were going perfectly. And gazing at the paper of his oak coffee table, hands perched delicately next to his chin, Norman looked like the villain he had become. Soon after attacking Ned Leeds, someone who was very easy to track down when you had access to numerous social media sites and CCTV camera's, he had reported himself to the papers.

Telling the terrible tale of how an apartment block had been attacked by a new villain a kin to the recently jailed Vulture. And then later that very night he saw his chance to deal with Spiderman, Peter's, other friend, he took the chance increasing the pain his enemy would feel. Although she had annoyingly put up a fight, but nevertheless, after that attack too he called the newspapers anonymously yet again.

It was the perfect set up. The news, online, the papers, Peter would be surrounded by coverage that his friends had been attacked. Knowing fully well that it was his fault, because he refused to help the Goblin. Let him broil for tonight and then I'll resume his torture....

"You seem happy dad."

Snapping out of his thoughts Norman met Harry with a hearty grin.

"Oh yes, just watching this comedy."

"Can I join you?"

"Of course, why wouldn't you be able to? Lost your sense of humor?"

"No it's just that... well you've been up and down lately. I mean, one day you're about the house and the next shut up in your lab."

"Like I said, don't worry about me Harry. Everything's under control."


"I promise. I'm on the way to making sure all our problems are solved forever."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see."


Sprinting out of the building, tripping over a bin, catching himself with a roll then having to jump over a dogs lead, Peter seemed to be straight out of a action or comedy movie. Shit I'm late! I'm late I am so late!

With May getting home late she was more tired than usual she had gotten up late, so Peter had gotten up late, meaning everything for the rest of the day would be late. And unfortunately he couldn't swing to school as one, it would look odd Spiderman swinging into the school. And secondly he was low on web fluid, he'd need to pick up a bottle from his secret stash.

Making it to a crossing he of course had to wait, panting a little, wondering if he could make his train in time, but it wasn't looking good. Then his phone started to ring and on instinct he answered it.

"Hello?" he panted.

Answering the phone when you're out of breath and running late, brilliant idea (!)

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