Chapter 32

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"Alright you're done. You're completely fine."

(Y/N) gave a nod to the nurse in thanks as she removed the pressure sleeve.

"Thank you."

Lightly jumping off the examination bed she had been sat on she made her way out of the infirmary were Mr Stark had promptly ushered her and Peter into the moment they got to the facility, before he himself dashed off somewhere. She quickly found Peter, mask off tapping his hands leaning against the wall.

"How did you check out?"

"A couple of bruises. Nothing much. You?"


They stood there awkwardly. Masks in hand fiddling with them a cloud of nerves lingered above the two.

"Where's Mr Stark?"

Peter opened his mouth to answer when.

"You gave another kid a suit Tony!?"

"What else was a supposed to do Capsicle!? Let the kid run around in a hoody and scarf?"

Mr Stark and Captain Rogers' voices echoed down the long halls.

"My hearings a bit better because of all the spider stuff. But they've been talking for a few minutes and they're all rather worried and angry." Peter explained, gaze to the ground.


"The Avengers."

"What?" She gawped "all of them?"

Peter nodded.

(Y/N) had always wanted to meet the Avengers. Ever since that day she saw them fighting the aliens in the streets of New York. But she had never thought she'd meet them like this.

More voices joined the angry conversation. Accusing Tony of making every kid with abilities a vigilante. To which he argued back what good were the others in a courtroom for the last few weeks.

The voices then died down a little, at which the nurse popped her head round the infirmary door.

"Mr Stark would like you to two to wait in one of the lounges."

Nodding they simply followed the nurse who showed them to a room with a couple of sofas and a TV in. Just as they entered the yelling kicked up again. Both taking a seat neither one felt like talking. The angry Avengers no longer filling the silence.

"I should never have let you help me."


Peter shook his head at himself, staring down at the mask in his hands.

"I should never have let you help me. If I hadn't you wouldn't have nearly died and the Avengers wouldn't be arguing." He said his voice cracking gesturing about the room "what if they split again? What if-

"Peter calm down. The Avengers won't split up again."

"But what if they do!?" He panicked standing up pacing around The room "And what if you get injured like today!?"

"Peter for fucks sake please open your bloody eyes!" She snapped standing up too "Can't you see that this is the best thing that happened to me!?"

He was stunned into a brief silence.

"When I'm with you I can ramble about Star Wars, I can use my powers, I now that if I face a gun you'll have my back! I thought it would take years to get this close to someone, yet here I am! Willing to take a bullet for you in just a week of crime fighting!"

"That's not something good though!"

"Peter I'm like you! I've got powers too! You've got nothing to be afraid of!" She desperately tried to calm him down.

"Well I am afraid! Afraid I'm going to loose you! You know what!?" He grasped her shoulders "I love you! There I said it! I've just realised it and I don't want to loose you."

"Well maybe I love you too you adorable dork! Are you happy!?"

It's funny. Neither had been aware off it up until this point, but they had subconsciously been nothing more and more about each other. The way Peter stuttered when he was nervous, wore constant science and math pun t-shirts, and did tiny fist bumps every time he webbed up a crook in a particularly cool way.

And the way (Y/N) would tuck a strand of hair behind her ear out of habit, giggled and messed with her hands when nervous, and loved to look as graceful as possible when landing.

It was like snow. It was there but forgotten as it continued to fall. Silently building up, getting bigger and bigger. Until a large shout caused the avalanche to fall. Reminding everyone that the snow had been falling all this time.

"Y-yeah. I'm I'm happy." He stuttered removing his hands.

A small silence fell between the two as they started to blush. Peter's glance shifting about the room, (Y/N) hands darting up from her mask to fiddling with her hair. The two dumping giiily at each other when they caught each other's gaze.

"Yes! Happy owes me $5!"

Jumping and glancing at the open door dusty rose darkened to painful crimson as all the Avengers stood at the door.

"Really? That's kids money. I bet 20 with Nat."

"I never thought I'd see the day Black Widow loose to someone else."

"Well from the way Stark described them I thought neither of them would be butch enough to say anything."

"At least we finally get to meet the kids."

"Yeah it felt odd betting on these two without actually meeting the them."

"Wasn't it Hill who was keeping track of things for us?"

"Oh God..." Peter mumbled pulling his mask back on.

(Y/N) followed suit returning her mask and goggles yet still covering her face with her hands.

"Seriously why are you bothering with the masks?"

"Just how long has all this betting been going on!?" (Y/N) asked to octaves higher.

"Probably since the day you visited the facility." Tony shrugged.

"Sometimes I wished you'd never come to my apartment Mr Stark." Peter squeaked.

"Hill! Get the betting books up! We've got some cash to sort out!"

Hey heads up guys there may or may not be an update next week as its my twin sis birthday a week yesterday and I need to see her a birthday present. So I'm going to be busy ^^

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