Chapter 9

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What was that thing last night? Or rather who were they? And how did they get that hover board?

"Mr Parker!"

Snapping out his thoughts Peter felt embarrassment mocking him as he saw the teacher giving him a stern look , the rest of the class looking at him too.

"Now you're back with us would you please pay attention."

"Yes miss, sorry miss."

The teacher continued with the lesson and Peter gave a sigh returning to his half finished work sheet.

"Hey..." Ned whispered to him giving him a nudge "Are you okay? You seem a little out of it."

"Something happened last night, I'll tell you later, probably after school."

Ned gave a nod understanding. Which led to Peter waiting anxiously for the school day to end so he could see Happy again. But he couldn't skip school again, not when the teachers seemed to keeping such a close eye on him after that incident when he got caught saying 'he was too good for school'. Landing him in detention with Captain America.

I need to find out who that guy was...


"This seems to be becoming a habit, not that I don't like seeing you kid but two times over two weeks is a bit much."

Let's just say when Peter came swinging into the tower in his suit through an open window not ten minutes after his school day ended, Happy was more than surprised. Especially when Peter didn't have a sassy come back. He just pulled off his mask letting Happy know something was wrong.

"What did you blow up now?"

"I didn't blow up anything, but I did run into some serious trouble."

"Well I'm listening."

"Yeah me too."

Very much like the tower, no matter how many times Peter saw Tony Stark, he was still awestruck. He had just walked into the room as casual as ever. Sunglasses and brilliant outfit included.

"Mr Stark!"

"What's up kid? Heard what you did in the Oscorp fire. Good on you kid." Tony smiled patting him on the back.

"Th-thank you very much Mr Stark."

"Yeah just don't get used to it, I don't usually dish out praise."

"Yes Mr Stark."

"And stop calling me 'Mr Stark',feels too formal. Like I'm some responsible teacher. Just call me Tony."

Peter hesitated at this sudden request, glancing at Happy he gave him an encouraging nod.

"Okay.... Tony."

"There we go. Now come on, two visits in two weeks, something must be up."

"W-well something happened last night. And I think it has something to do with the Oscorp fire."

Peter then explained what had happened last night with the robbery of Oscorp materials and the man on the hover board, plus how he had Karen get rid of all the images. And of course, how he had gotten away.

"I tried to catch him but he got away, he was like... w-well a goblin."

Both Tony and Happy seemed to be processing all the information, until Happy finally said.

"You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing I heard was your drunk singing as you danced in your iron man suit."

"Oh come on that was one time."

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