Chapter 40

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First of all, this trailer killed me, watch and your life will ultimately be better.
Second of all, can people please stop commenting for me to update, it's annoying and I update weekly so it's not like I don't leave you guys with anything. Little rant over. Enjoy the chapter. 

"Calibrating complete."

"So!? Where is he!?" Panacea demanded as she flew all over Queens.

"Spiderman's tracker is located at the Avengers tower."

"What is he doing there!? I'll guess I'll find out for myself!"

As fast as she could she took off to the Avengers tower.

"If Spiderman dies I'll kill him!"

Meanwhile the spiderling himself was struggling to move.

"Peter." Karen's voice came through "Your spider genes and fast metabolism should be able to counteract the effects of the stun gun soon."

But I can't wait! I don't have time! Had his chest and body not been restricted he would surely be gasping, crying and losing his mind. He had to stop those bombs going off, stop the tower from being destroyed, stop (Y/N) from walking into a trap.

It's all my fault, it's all my fault, its all my fault...


A voice suddenly rang out through the manor and Spiderman felt the urge to call back, but only now could he make small sounds.


Speedy metallic footsteps came towards him and he was able to joltingly turn his head to the door. To feel a tsunami of relief as Iron Man came into view.


Iron man ran into the room, kneeling down next to Spiderman he helped him sit up, his iron helmet folding away revealing his worried face.


As he started to move more he could feel the effects of the gun finally wearing off, even though it had only been a matter of minutes. He gave a large sniff feeling his eyes water, he wanted to rip his mask off, sob cry, scream at himself for the problems he had made.

"Hey there, easy, you're alright."

But Tony seemed to be trying to convince himself more than Peter.

"N-no..." he started in a croaky voice "Goblin.. short circuited my suit... fake tracker... bombs..."

"We knows there's bombs, the other Avengers are sorting them out."

"How did you know where I was?" he was finally able to move again.

"Your buddy Ned rang me, I got wireless access to your phone calls and knew you were here, Goblin was scrambling the signal. I'll have to fix that."

"We need to go!" he stumbled to his feet struggling to keep his balance.

Giving a large sniff he needed to be Spiderman, not Peter Parker. Spiderman had caused this mess and so he had to fix it.

"No you need a doctor." Tony grabbed his arm.

"We've got no time Panacea's walking into a trap!"

He started to run back to the balcony, his spider genes having finally shook off the effects of the gun. Although Spiderman wouldn't be surprised if part of it was due to sheer determination.

"What kind of trap is it!?" Iron man demander following Spiderman mask resumed. Now largely panicking for the other kid hero.

"I'll explain on the way!" he slung a web and they hurried off.

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