Chapter 28

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Norman's lab seemed to be going through a lot this week. The day that Spiderman's mutant friend had damaged his board he had smashed anything in sight translating his rage into whatever destruction he could. And now Gargan seemed to be doing the very same thing.

"What good did all that do!? Why did you tell me to back out!?"

Titling his head to dodge a test tube Gargan threw Norman seemed to be in the presence of a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"I ordered you to retreat because you achieved everything I needed to to."

"For fuck's sake I barely even tried out the suit and let myself be thrown around! You called me back before I could even land a single blow!"

"You need to see the bigger picture."

"Don't give me that bullshit!"

Gargan had only been out of prison a couple of days, but the number of rules and negotiations that came along with his prison break and new suit were already making his mind claustrophobic.

Norman had snuck him out by paying off one of the guards who guided an actor into the prison to take Gargan's place. With the world still believing Gargan was in prison it meant he had to wear a mask in public and was unable to contact any of his 'friends'. And the most annoying condition being that he had to follow all of Norman's instructions, otherwise he'd quickly find himself back in prison.

"Both Spiderman and that pesky mutant both know you are a threat and my ally now, and that's enough for the moment."

"No its not!"

"I'm fully aware that you want your revenge, as do I, but now I know what modifications would be beneficial to your suit and what materials we will need."

The Scorpion might have known who the mutant was, (Y/N) (L/N), but the Goblin had informed Gargan he had yet to learn of Spiderman's identity.

When in actual fact Norman was keeping Spiderman's identity for himself, for selfish reasons. Gargan was merely a pawn, a tool for him to help get rid of that mutant and weaken Spiderman. Kill that girl and he'll be in too retched of a state to fight a knife to the chest.

"And where are we going to get the sodding materials?" Gargan snarled stomping up and down the lab.

Despite the incredible power and strength, along with acid gun, that came with the scorpion suit there was one major drawback. Gargan was unable to remove the suit. Unlike Norman, whose abilities were on account of a gas serum he inhaled, plus the added strength and endureace of his suit.

Gargan's suit was a second skin, a shell that his body now depended on. Norman had offered to take more time on the suit so that it could be removed, but Gargan to eager to attack Spiderman, hadn't hesitated to wish his life away.

"I'll give you three guesses."


"See you later dad!" (Y/N) called.

Stuffing a bag of crisps and bottle of water in her back pack which also had a scarf inside she headed to the door giving Chewy a quick fuss, door half open Maurice skipped out of the kitchen asking.

"Where are you going?"



"Yes out."

"And what's out?"

"Just out."

"Keeping secrets from me now are you? I knew this day would come." he sniffed dramatically.

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