Chapter 41

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For the longest while it was all completely blank. There was no sound and no light aside from Panacea's suit that was gradually failing. The two figures limp underneath the rubble. But surely enough, slowly but surely rumbling could be heard from above.

The Avengers along with fire and rescue services were working rapidly at the surface to get the two kids out of there safely, Tony yelling orders out like blue bloody murder, eyes constantly on hear trackers desperate to save the two before it was too late.

Finally Bucky with the strength of his metal arm was able to pull away one large piece of concrete, calling go to the others.

"I've found them!"

At the release of pressure Panacea's wings folded away.  Iron man would have been down there in an instant but the opening was too small, leading Redwing to hover down.

"No spinal damage to either, Spiderman looks fine but Panacea's in a bad way."

"We'll get them up here!" Tony called through the coms panicked.

It was a tricky task big eventually both Spiderman and Panacea were out of the rubble, finally safe.


Peter could hear beeping. Panicking his eyes shot open remembering the bomb, sitting bolt right up only to quickly realize he was in a hospital room and the beeping that had gone from slow to rapid had been his own heartbeat.

Breathing in deeply the beeping gradually slowed down, Peter trying to recall what had happened. In fact he was having trouble remembering anything that had happened yesterday, his head cloudy rather than sore. In fact he felt perfectly fine, which isn't how he'd expect to feel when waking up in a hospital room.

It was also a fancy room, very clean and all the machines looking very high tech. His wonder was answered when the door opened and Tony came hurriedly into the room. Glasses held in hand he was panting ever so slightly, obviously having run over to the room the minute he'd been told by Friday Peter's heart rate had quickened.

Giving a sigh Tony tried to seem composed, going to put on his glasses but shoving them in his pocket when he knew Peter had seen the dark bags under his eyes were plainly visible, his eyes slightly red suggesting he was very sleep deprived or that he had been crying. It would be a fair guess to say both were the cause. 

"God this things annoying." Tony grumbled switching off the heart monitor.

Now that he was awake Tony didn't need a constant beeping to be reassured Peter's heart was still beating. Taking a seat next to the bed Tony gave another tired sigh running his hands over his face.

"What happened? Where am I?" Peter asked straight away knowing there was some sort of story behind this.

"Easy there, you're at the Avengers facility and as for the rest I'll tell you soon enough. How are you?"

"I feel fine, although my chest is a tiny but sore, like a cat scratched me."

"Good, good, what do you remember?"

Thinking hard Peter could remember a fight going on and a bomb, not much before.

"I remember The Scorpion trying to stop the bomb from going off, and... no, that's it."

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