Chapter 20

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Staring at the news paper article with a blank expression Peter's mind was in turmoil. So, the Goblin had finally made the news. Caught by the click of a camera rather than Spider-Man though.

"Why now?" Peter asked himself out loud, his voice croaky. He'd been crying.

Sat in his room on the bottom bunk, knees pulled to his chest like the child he was, staring at the newspaper that had been waiting on the counter when he got home. Along with a note from May saying she wouldn't be home until very late.

The Goblin was now public and the two students he had attacked were his friends. Leading Peter to the undoubtful conclusion, that the Goblin knew he was Spider-Man was. But how? When? Why was he attacking his friends rather than him? The Goblin's strong hatred for Spider-Man couldn't merely be a result of him not accepting a life of crime. What other motif could he possibly have?

Now because of Spidermans mistake, Peter Parker's friends were suffering.

Throwing the paper across the room in a weepy rage the bandage on Peter's arm became loose. Untying it to retie it however he found his cut had healed. With wide eyes he hastily removed the bandage on his leg as well, to find that cut had also healed.

"These should have taken weeks to heal..."

His spider powers came with many benefits. But it didn't help him much at the moment. If only everything could be as easily fixed as those now healed cuts.

The apartment was quiet and lifeless, the exact opposite of what someone wants when they want their loved ones to be safe. The only other people Peter would consider being a target would be his Aunt May and (Y/N). But Peter had already got a text from May saying she'd made it to her friends house and when she came home her friend would be with her, meaning the Goblin shouldn't attack. 

And Peter assumed the Goblin had found out who his friends were through his social media. As although MJ hadn't claimed to know Spider-Man online, she was still titled as friends with Peter on many social media sights. But (Y/N) wasn't listed as his friend on any social media. And so Peter was happy to let the Goblin believe he was a loner with only two friends.

And the last possible target was Harry. But he'd only been talking to him through email. Regardless Harry lived in a mansion with the best security, so he too, at least for now was safe.

Leaving Peter to a night alone.


"No one yet knows whom the nicknamed 'Green Goblin' is. But all civilians are currently advised to maintain there distance as the police try their best to apprehend the criminal. In other news...

"Terrible isn't it?" Maurice commented shifting in his seat.

"Sure is. Kids can't do anything nowadays." Silas grumbles say next to (Y/N) "if girls walk down the streets they get sexualized, boys aren't allowed to show emotions and now none of you can even do the things you like without the risk of some terrorist or masked criminal."

"But then you've also got charities that help people, and people like Spider-Man and the Avengers." (Y/N) pointed out.

"See this is why you're the optimistic one." Silas smiled rufling her hair "Its reassuring to know the world hasn't gotten to you yet."

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