Chapter 31

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There were only two noises. The hissing soldering iron as Norman repaired a circuit board. And the aggravated tapping of fingers as Gargan sat there, drumming his fingers on the workbench he was sat next to.

"You're killing me here Norman."

"Well my apologies (!). It's not as though you're being equally irritating with your tapping."

"Well sorry your lordship there isn't much more to do as you take forever in repairing your bloody suit!"

Norman had made upgrades to Gargan's suit, nothing major, only reinforced armor. However Norman had been unable to fix the fact that Gargan couldn't leave the suit without risking his life. Although there was some comfort in the fact he could at least remove his mask. But nothing else.

"I will be done soon enough."

"'Soon' for you seems to be sometime next year!"

"So what? You've seen the footage my drones have collected, the two are growing closer. The closer they are the more fun it will be to kill them."

"I just want to kill them!"

"Be quiet." Norman huffed "I'm trying to work."


"You know, I don't think this is how most people would spend a Monday night." Panacea wondered, arms as a pillow behind her head.

"What's wrong with this?" Spiderman asked gestured with his arms "This is great."

"Yeah it is."

Not many high schoolers could say that they spent their evenings fighting crime in their multi million suits, and then chill out in hammocks made of web dangling off high story buildings.

There hand't been too much crime to fight that night. Neither the Goblin or Scorpion making an appearance. A nice quiet night according to Spiderman, perfect to help the brand new Panacea get into the swing of things.

"So this means I can officially help you out right?" she asked slowly.

"Well yeah I guess. I mean you've got a suit now."

"So how often do you fight crime Spiderman?"

"Every night, I stay out for as long as I can until its either time for dinner or May calls me. Also depends on how much homework I've got."

"So... can we meet up every night after school? And do this again?" she asked hopefully.

"Are you kidding!?" he asked bolting up "That would be gre-

But at his sudden movement he fell out his make shift hammock falling to the ground!


Panacea watched him fall and catch himself further down.

"I'll take that as a yes then!" she called.

And that's how it all started.

The school mornings and days would go by as usual, the train would be packed, the lessons would be boring. The only thing that mattered being the clock ticking till they were free. As soon as that bell rang they'd dash out the school, (Y/N) whining at Peter for jumping over the gate when she had to go around.

Peter introduced her to his favorite alley way. Both had learned the trick of wearing their suits under their regular clothes making changing efficient to the max. With backpacks webbed to the wall they'd take off, (Y/N) a lot better at taking off in narrow spaces, and find some bikes to save.

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