Chapter 33

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"I would have thought that at least Tony would have had a little more trust in us." Peter huffed slumping down in his seat.

"You think him betting $50 against you guys getting together you obviously didn't hear how much Black Widow bet." Happy chuckled.

"I'd rather not know..."

Had it been a few months ago Happy would have taken the chance to gloat and tease Peter to his hearts content. But having grown a sense of empathy towards the teen he stifled a laugh as quietly as possible glancing at the blushing pair in the back seats.  

Shortly after the betting winnings were being announced, the Avengers arguing who owed how much money and in which currency, Peter and (Y/N) were more than happy to let Happy drive then home, super suits thrown into their backpacks now a creased mess.

"Well here we are." Happy announced pulling up to the curb. "So go and get to bed, I think it's past your bed times."

"And there's the old Happy."

"Ha ha ha (!)"

Clambering out the car they barely shut the door when Happy zoomed off. It was now evening so the two stood there awkwardly on the curb in between both their apartment building, tapping their hands, swinging their bags, not knowing what to do.

"So... what happens now?" (Y/N) asked slowly.

"I don't have a clue."

They were technically 'together' now, and the situation wasn't helped by Tony asking (Y/N) what her favourite gem stone was, and all the Avengers taking new bets as to how long it would take them to get married. The two were very far from anything like that, heck even the aspect of holding hands had the two looking like tomatoes. Which is why it was so awkward now.

"So does this mean we're, t-together?" Peter stuttered blushing at the ground.

"Yeah, yes, qui!" (Y/N) rambled "It it does!"

"Ok then...."

Peter awkwardly took a couple of steps away,

"See you Monday then?"

"Yeah at school. Obviously! At school..."

Smiling he took a step further turning his back when he was jumped by (Y/N) hugging him from behind! Before he could react she was dashing off calling back.

"See you Monday! I'm glad we didn't die today!"

A large grin cracking onto his face he called back.

"Me too!"

Pulling his backpack on firmly to his back he ran into his apartment building bounding up the stairs reaching the door in record time he didn't hesitate to call out.

"May! I've got something to tell you!"

~ Meanwhile ~

"Dads I'm back!"

"Oh thank goodness where on earth have you-

But Silas was cut short from getting from his seat Ashe staggered back slightly, cueing a dramatic expression and hand to the chest.

"Don't say anything!" She warned pointing a finger.

"Oh where has the time gone Maurice?"


"What are you two going on about?"

"Get your ass off that sofa! I can tell what's she's feeling and she's it's a different kind of love!"

"English, English Silas."

"She's got a boyfriend."

"Is it that Parker boy!?" He asked jumping from the sofa.

"Yes it is so you don't need to make a fuss."

"Well of course we do! Maurice didn't you bring a bottle of wine home?"

"I sure did."

"OK dads I'm going to bed! Goodnight!"

"But you haven't had any dinner and its your favourite!"

There was a moment silence before...

"Yes please!"

~ next day ~

After the events of yesterday Peter had been hoping to have a decent lie in. That was until Aunt May called that Ned was here and he dashed through the door.

"Why weren't you answering your phone last night!? And then I watch the news and the old Oscorb Tower collapsed and that you were there!"

"Good morning Ned." Peter grumbled sitting up in bed.

"What happened last night!?"

"Nearly died, got scolded by Iron Man, turns out he and the other Avengers had bets on when me and (Y/N) would get together." He yawned.

"You two got together!"

"Ned!" Peter hissed making a violent zipping motion.  

Putting his hands over his mouth Ned gasped in shock.

"So you two are a thing now?"

"Y-yeah." He blushed.

Ned then proceeded to make many squealing noises.

"Can you please stop fan boying?"


Sorry for the no update in two weeks and I'm sorry it's so short but I started my foundation course last week and got dumped with a load of work leaving me no time to write and still stay sane. But here's your chapter!

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