Chapter 25

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In a lazy military like formation many men walked lazily down the tiled corridors all garbed in the same white uniforms, each being identified by numbers on their shirts. As it usually went in a prison.

"Come on move it you lot." the guard urged the slow parade.

His encouragement did nothing as the men continued at the same pace. But one man got called from the line.


Stopping in his tracks a man with tanned skin, not caring for the slight disruption he cause, turning to face the guard he had a large scar along the left side of his face, accompanied by his left blood stained eye. Plus, a very sinister looking tattoo of a scorpion on his neck. Strolling up to the guard stood at the door he gave the guard a toothy grin.

"What is it sunshine?" he teased her.

"You've got a visitor." she stated with an amused tone.

"But I don't get visitors. Not at this summer camp."

Not answering she opened the door indicating she wanted him to follow him. This part of the prison was new to Gargan, with no family he didn't get any visitors. So he was both intrigued and confused. But not nervous, he was a crook, a killer. And they don't get nervous.

"You've got five minutes."

Giving a mocking nod to the guard he walked into the room. Bricked walls painted white, a barred window behind a man in a suit sat with his hands on the table. He looked like a lawyer.

"Well if there isn't a pane of glass between us you must be special. How much did you have to bribe the guard at the front?" Gargan asked sitting in the empty chair across from Mr Suit.

He sat there arms crossed, not being as formal.

"I'm not one of your friends from the outside if that's what your hoping."

Gargan was concerned now. He only trusted his 'friends'

"But I'm hoping I can become an ally, at least."

"I'm listening."

Slipping his hand into his jacket Mr Suit pulled out a piece of paper, scanning the words he read out.

"Macdonald 'Mac' Gargan, avoided imprisonment for ten years, only to be caught by the FBI nearly three months ago attempting to buy Chitari weapons from Adrian Toons."

"Okay so you know about me, care to tell me a little about yourself?"

"That a nice scar you've got there." Mr Suit carried on ignoring the blatant hint.

"Courtesy of Spiderman."

"Oh well, looks like we have that in common." Mr Suit pulled up the sleeve of his suit revealing a know scared burn traveling up his forearm.

"How did you get that?"

"Courtesy of Spiderman."

"Listen Mr Suit we've only got five minutes, so are you going to make me an offer or not?"

"My name is Norman Osborn."

Gargan's eyes widened at the name.

"Spiderman has made fools out of the both of us." He started pulling down his sleeve, the burn being a result of his hover board being damaged and burning him "But Spiderman has a friend now, and I could use one too."

"I'm in."

Smirking Gargan was already itching to claim his revenge, run it in Toons', the Vulture's, face. A chance to return the favor to Spiderman.

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