Chapter 29

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"What the matter sweetheart?"

Head snapping up (Y/N) broke from her daze of poking her pasts repeatedly with her fork.


"(Y/N) I'm sat at the table so I know somethings wrong." Silas said.

She gave a sigh suddenly very engrossed in her food again.

"I don't have to tell you everything." she stated politely.

"No you don't but I can tell you're very occupied by something you did earlier today."

"I didn't do anything bad."

"I can tell you didn't I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm alright."

Having a dad as an empathy was both a blessing and a curse at times, it was near impossible to keep a secret. Luckily though Silas was one for respecting privacy. And when (Y/N) turned 18 she'd get a charm so Silas wouldn't be able to tell what she's felling when she wears it.

Whenever Maurice wants to piss Silas off he'll wear his charm.

"Hey Silas can you tell how I'm feeling?" Maurice asked saulily.

Silas, who had been taking a sip of water, proceeded to spit it out over his food in shock.

"For the last time Maurice! Not at the dinner table!" he choked.


"What?" Maurice chuckled.

"That's it I'm going to my room, thanks for dinner dad, not so much the small talk."

"You know you love us!" Maurice called after her.                              

Reaching her room, leaning on her closed door (Y/N) gave a large sigh to herself. Today, had been completely different to what she expected. Not the training part, no. She knew they'd spend most of the time teasing each other, making star wars references and a lot of her blundering up.

But she'd never thought they'd face the Scorpion again so soon. The issue for her was how easily Spiderman, Peter had gotten hurt. Did he get injured like that often? If so May would be paying for a very large medical bill if she hadn't been there.

Although surprisingly she wasn't too worried about herself, not when she had her wings as a 24/7 shield.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in."

Maurice popped his head around the door.

"Just wanted to let you know your dads been called out for an emergency placement. Don't know when he'll be back."

"Okay thanks for letting me know."

After that (Y/N) sat on her bed loading up Pinterest when there came another knocking.

"Come in!"


"Sweet Chaos!" she shrieked clutching her chest at seeing Peter climb through her window.

"What? You said I could come in." he shrugged pulling off his mask.

"(Y/N)!? What's wrong!?"

Reacting to Maurice's rapidly approaching footsteps Peter jumped up to the ceiling just out of sight as Maurice came bursting into the room.

"What's wrong!?"

"Oh uh! Nothing! Nothings wrong! I just saw a spider, huge! But its gone now, I knocked it out the window."

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