Chapter 23

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His hand hesitated over the glossed oak door. To knock? Or not to knock? he cheesily thought. Had it not been for the fact Peter had had to get past a pat down security check and countless questions from the security guard at the front, he would have turned around and headed home. But instead he found himself knocking on the door.

It opened surprisingly quickly and Harry came to the door, his eyes looking a little red, his hair tossled and posture tired. But his face lit up at the sight of his friend.


"Harry, I'm sorry mate but you look terrible."

"Yeah." he tried to chuckle leaning on the door frame "So why are you here?"

To see if the Goblin attacked you but I want to happily faint from relief that you're alive, but I also want send you to the nearest doctor.

"No reason, just wanted to see if you were free."

"Well I'm free..." he said tiredly, his burst of excited energy wearing off rapidly.

"Harry... what's wrong?"

"Its, its dad. I thought he was getting better, last night he was in such a good mood, but this afternoon." taking a shark shaky breath, very clearly trying to hold back tears "He came home a few hours ago, walked to his lab in a complete rage, for the next hour all I could hear was smashing from his lab. Now its all quiet and he wont reply to me."

"Well is he okay in there?" Peter asked now worried.

"There are sensors in there which will tell me if he's in any trouble, like hes hurt himself. He put them in there when he accidentally knocked himself out and I couldn't get in. So he's fine physically, and you've got the butler and security team knocking about. So he's fine physically, but mentally."

"You look like you're not doing too good either..."

"Yeah. Seeing you makes things a little more normal though." he managed a small smile.

"Well, I can stay if you want I'm sure May wouldn't-

"I don't want you to come in, its like walking on egg shells. So could we... can we.. I don't know, go for a coffee?"

"Yeah! Sure, there's one just down the street."

"Then lets go."

Exiting the penthouse without even grabbing a jacket Harry led the way towards the elevator. Even though the Starbucks was literally around the corner from the penthouse building it was still far enough for Harry.

But Peter couldn't decide whether as they both sat there if the silence was awkward or not, seeming though Harry seemed content enough continuously stirring the sugar in his black coffee. He seemed a lot calmer though.

"Thanks Pete, I think you came just in time."

"What's wrong Harry? Why didn't you ask me to come over earlier?"

"It just the fact dads been so on and off at the moment, and I don't like leaving him in case I miss him at his best and so I can try and be there for him when he's at his worse."

"When did all this start?"

"A couple of days after the Oscorp fire."

Peter's chest tightened.

"He keeps telling me that things are okay or are going to get better, but I've already figured out that there's something he's been keeping from me."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but I think its something to do with his job. Like maybe they're asking too much of him?"

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