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"hey, calm down ─ take deep breaths. it's okay, he's gonna be alright, do you hear me?"

jimin rubbed his sister's back repeatedly while his other free hand held both of joy's hands firmly.

they were sitting on a bench by the hospital's hallway, anxiously waiting for an update about taehyung's condition. it had been a little less than twenty minutes since they arrived at the hospital and since then, had been waiting, utterly agitated about the situation.

if jimin had not decided to secretly check on joy and taehyung and luckily reach the hallway leading to the stairs heading to the university's rooftop, only to spot joy sobbing in panic beside taehyung's unconcious body, then taehyung would have lost an even huge amount of blood from his wound that might possibly lead him to a critical condition.

the hallways were mostly deserted at that time, which is why no one reached and heard joy's cries except jimin who rushed almost instantly the moment he heard and witnessed his younger sibling's pleads of help. heroically, jimin had carried taehyung out of the building while joy trailed after them as she had contacted the emergency telephone number.

"it's my fault..." joy sobbed on jimin's shoulder, now sitting on the hospital benches. "i-if i hadn't been such a clutz and tripped on the staircase, then i wouldn't have fallen over him and he wouldn't be─ ugh, it's all my fault!"

jimin gazed at her in genuine concern, "it's not your fault, okay?" he said, sternly. "blame the stairs if you desperately need to accuse something, but not yourself, get it? besides, if taehyung hadn't been there to catch you, you'll be the one with a bleeding head and being stitched right now. and that wouldn't be pleasant for both me and taehyung too, isn't that right?"

joy glance up at him with teary eyes. "...y-you're right," she slightly nodded, still quite hesitant.

jimin sensed her minor uncertainty and squeezed his sister's hand for another reassurance. after all, it was all he could do for now.

after another minute, the park siblings simultaneously glanced up only to find taehyung's parents rushing to their direction. the two stood up and shared the same worried look as the other two elders. and as if in cue, the doctor also came out and all of them hurried to his confrontation.

"is my son alright?" taehyung's mother immediately asked the same time joy voiced her own similar concern, "is taehyung okay?"

the doctor meekly nodded, "we have fortunately stopped the bleeding and had securely sutured his cut. also, he's been moved to a room since he is yet unconscious. he may return home once he's regained complete consciousness."

everyone heaved a deep sigh of relief as they bowed and thanked the doctor in gratitude. joy embraced jimin out of ease and he returned the action by ruffling the young woman's head in a palyful manner.

"see? i told you he was gonna be alright. just believe in him, hm? and oh, of course, in me too."


a/n:  boring chapter -_-

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