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treinta y siete



everyone's eyes darted to the direction of the noise, only to find joy staring at taehyung with misty eyes and a bowl of spilled chips laying on the floor. 

"joy..." taehyung finds himself whispering her name. 

the boys watched as a tear rolled down the girl's pink cheeks, her hands trembling from shock. joy blinked her eyes several times, and more tears fell. realizing that she's being watched at, joy lowers her head in embarrassment. 

she could feel her heart racing and her head throbbed too, giving her a headache. she dreaded the day wherein she'll no longer be taehyung's girlfriend. she knew it was gonna happen anyways. if not today, then soon, they will eventually break up. 

feeling eyes on her, joy became intimidated to the point that it suffocated her until she can no longer tolerate the eyes that seemed to bore into her soul. the next thing she knew, she rushed out of the house, leaving the boys calling after her.

jimin, however, runs out after her. but by the time he got outside, she was already gone. how could she have ran so fast? 

infuriated, jimin stomped back in the house and headed towards taehyung. reaching him, jimin struck a fist across taehyung's face, sending him down on the floor. before the others could even stop the blonde boy from sending another punch at taehyung, he had already lunged at him and repeatedly hit the fallen boy with balled fists to point that he bled.

"son of a bitch!" jimin swore at him. "what did sooyoung ever do to you to deserve this treatment?! she fucking loved you so much, yet you break her heart like this? why did you have to break up with her, asshole? fuck you, taehyung! fuck you!"

jimin grabbed taehyung's collar and glared down at him in rage. taehyung glared back, the rusty taste of his own blood tainting his cracked lips.  

"this is my life not yours, jimin." taehyung spat at him through gritted teeth. "you can't force me to date her when i don't even love her. you don't control me."

jimin grimaced, his anger increasing. he raised another fist, ready to strike taehyung once again but was pulled back by the boys before he could even try, lifting him off from taehyung. jungkook and hoseok strained his arms and held him back. jimin tried struggling but two was better than one. 

aided by jin, taehyung brought himself onto his feet, his eyes never leaving jimin's. he winced in pain as he wiped away the blood on his lips.

"i swear, taehyung." jimin said, sternly. "if anything happens to sooyoung, you're dead."

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