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tears dripped down from her eyes, the pain squeezing her heart mercilessly. this was so unfair. why can't things go her way? why does God make her her suffer like this? it was unfair. how come he forgot her and not the girl who hurt him? why her, who cared for him and loved him? why?

no matter how many times joy questioned and asked for answers, nothing came. did she ever committed a huge sin to deserve such suffering and treatment? it felt as if joy was experiencing these pain for something she didn't do and that raged her to the point that she cursed at every single person that took advantage of her kindness.

she has always been such a sympathetic person, someone who dared care for others before herself. people said it was a positive trait to have, but she thinks otherwise. because no matter how benevolent and compassionate she was, people wouldn't even return her kindness nor at least thank her. instead, they take advantage. it was as if every good deed she did, God would return it with torment and agony.

she hated that.

joy whimpered, the sight before her stabbed her heart. joy wiped a tear, intending to shake the pain off and pretend that she's okay. but even as she wiped the tears away, more would come. it was overflowing. she isn't a strong person who could act unfazed by the sight of the person she loved having domeone else in their arms. she was weak. joy is a weak person who will be affected by every single thing, positive or negative. and that scared her.

suddenly, a hand clasped over her eyes, preventing her from seeing. then, another hand gripped one side of her shoulder and spun her around. joy's face was gently burried into eunwoo's warm chest as his hands wrapped around her.

"don't look." he says.


a/n: my eunjoy feels~ <3

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