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"what?" jimin exclaims in desbelief. "are you kidding me?" then sarcastically, he continues, "don't tell me you bumped your head too hard ─ damaging that dumb brain of yours ─ you forgot about your girlfriend?"

forget about being polite and respectful in front of taehyung's parents, jimin was pretty sure they didn't mind. jimin and taehyung have been very close since middle school, his parents were used hearing them insulting each other.

anyhow, jimin expected taehyung to crack a playful grin, chuckle and announce that he was just joking. but taehyung's face showed no clue or sign of teasing. it remained stony and clueless.

"you must be kidding me." jimin scoffs. "amnesia? but how come you remember me and your parents? is it just joy? shoot, my sister...where the heck is she? who knows what will happen to her, finding out that she's been forgotten...by you? you're such a bastard, taehyung. no offense."

"i─" taehyung began but was interrupted when jimin suddenly excused himself from the kim family.

the boy walks out of the room and jogs through the hallway, searching for his dear sister. he tried dialing joy's number a few times but she never picked up. jimin grows anxious and eventually dashes through the halls, not once stopping.

spotting a familiar figure sitting down on a bench along the hall, her raven hair covering her face as she had her head bent down, jimin halts and slowly approaches the girl.

"sooyoung." he speaks gently. the called girl lifts her head up and meets his eyes.

jimin scowls when he catches the glimpse of the broken look on the fragile girl's face. her eyebrows crinkled, pink tinted cheeks dry with tears, lips cracked and anguish, forlorn and melancholy visible in her teary eyes. she looked heartbroken. she is heartbroken.

"oppa..." she managed to whisper.

jimin gazes down at her in pity. this state she is in is too intolerable, it pains jimin just at the sight. he couldn't imagine just how much great pain she is suffering at the moment.

standing up and snaking her arms around jimin's waist for an embrace that seemed to search for comfort, joy buries her face into the male's chest and begins to sob uncontrollably. her cries echoed against the walls, ignorant of the other people that stood in the hallway. she didn't plan to stop just yet, her emotions were overflowing with abundant sorrow. she just wanted to get it out.

jimin places one hand on joy's back and the other on her head, hugging her back with hopes that it would comfort her, even just a little. the young man whispers words of assurance such as "it's gonna be okay" when jimin himself doubts his own words. is it really going to be okay?

"it's not okay...!" joy cries and began hitting jimin on the chest lightly. "...he forgot...about me, stupid jimin.

"taehyung, forgot about me..."


a/n: the feels are lacking. im disappointed in myself😭

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