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I walked into my office and put down all of the reports of Kyungsoo and his crew. I got a call so I looked at the ID unknown caller calling... I looked around making sure nobody was in the room with me. Before actually answering I pressed a button that recorded some calls. "Hello Hanaaaa." The deep voice dragged out the letters in my name making me shiver. "What do you want." I sat down in my chair knowing this'll be fun. "Nothing. I don't want anything from you really. Just come work for us. Your skills work so much better over here." "Ehh nah. I've put the bad side down after Kyungsoo broke my heart. You can blame him for making me bust your asses. Goodbye. I hope you die." I said before hanging up.

I decided not to tell Jungkook because all he would do is make jokes saying they called me for a "good time." "Hana?" I heard a knock on my door and I immediately put my phone away. "Come in!!" I shouted. "Who was that you were calling?" Jimin asked. "Oh it's no one. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this, but I don't think I can go tonight because you know, work and all." Jimin walked up to me and held both my hands running his thumbs on the back of my hands. "I totally get it Hana. Just, be safe tonight okay?" He looked me in the eyes, my burning pink cheeks telling him everything he needs to know. He suddenly leaned in and kissed me making me pause. It took awhile, but I kissed him back. The kiss was slow and passionate, yet needy. I haven't had this good of a kisser in such a long time. "Ha-" Jimin and I both pulled away looking at all of them. We both flushed red in embarrassment. "Continue on." Taehyung motioned. Taehyung winked at me making me facepalm.

They all snickered as Jungkook came over to sit on my desk. "You guys both signed a contract and it states 'No romantic relationships between co-workers or it will result in automatic firing,' but, you two are one of my best workers, so I'm letting you go with a warning." Jungkook finally sounded like the authority he had. "But why can't we have romantic relationships with our co-workers?" Taehyung asked. "Because if they ever break up I don't want them ignoring each other when a lot of missions require teamwork; I also don't want awkward tensions throughout this building. Just know I put this rule here to help not hurt our employees."

I sat at my desk glaring at the boys for ruining my perfect moment with Jimin.

I see your mad

How woukd you know?

I'm implying you're mad because they had to ruin the disgusting moment between you and your co-worker

Okay then. I'm not going to converse with you anymore. Gfy bye!!

Don't tell anyone about our interactions or you will be terminated

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