t h i r t y - o n e

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As I drove off I got a phone call. I looked at Hana, "Shh." She nodded and I picked up the phone. "Yes Jongdae hyung??" "Where the hell is Hana." His voice was harsher than I had remembered. "I don't know. She turned before I could catch up with her." "You better find her or else you're fired." "Ok hyu-" He hung up before I could finish my sentence.

"Jeez anger issues." I groaned. "What are you talking about? You act the same way." She gave me the same judging face Tao did when I told him I didn't want to shower with him. I chuckled because of that. "What's so funny?" "The way you look at me." She scoffed and picked at her nails, "You know, for a high class mafia killer you're super laid back." "I'm not laid back don't you remember what I just did to you yesterday?" "I've done worst. All you did last night was over stimulate me and talk dirty. Do you actually understand the kinks Kyungsoo has?" She glanced at me before looking out the window. "I don't know what he's into because I've never been sexually involved with him." She hummed and lay her head back onto the seat. "Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if I never dated Kyungsoo and if my parents never worked with those people. Maybe my life would be normal and I'd still be in college. Maybe my parents would still be alive."

"Hey, so when you were talking about Jimin was that all true?" "What do you mean?" "Like working with you guys and everything." "Oh yeah of course. Jimin is probably with Jongdae right now trying to find you." "Well um. Is it bad I texted him while I was in the car?" Sehun widened his eyes and looked at me. "Where is the phone?" "Oh um, here." I handed it to him and he threw it out the window. "We have to go quicker now before they realize we've thrown the phone out. Someone's probably already speeding towards that phone." He drove away quickly and focused on the straight road ahead of us.

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