f i f t e e n

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When Hana got inside the building and up the elevator Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin attacked her in a hug. "We miss you so much!!" Jimin smiled. "You guys I only came in four hours late." I groaned pushing them away. "You know it's really weird how you get fanboy and fangirl packages when you aren't even an idol or artist." Yoongi threw a box of packages and letters onto my desk. I smugly smiled, "I just have that effect on people y'know." "No you don't. I'm the one here who's the world wide handsome one." Jin blew a kiss into the air and Yoongi and I moved out of the way "dodging" the kiss. "Nobody in this room thinks that." I flipped my hair over my shoulder looking into the box. "Miss me with that gay shit bro." Yoongi made a disgusted face making me laugh.

"Hi Hana!!" Hoseok smiled with glee. "Hi Hoseok." I smiled as he hugged me. "I came to brief on our murder investigation." He plopped down onto the couch in my office. "Okay well we'll leave now. Bye Hana." Jin waved. I smiled sweetly waving at Jin and Yoongi leaving. "Aigoo I wish I had your office. I have to share with three people." Hoseok looked around my office. "But you have people to talk to. You know how lonely gets in here?" "I'll gladly switch offices with you." "Aww I would love to, so I can be close to Jimin, but having to deal with a grumpy Yoongi all day? No thanks. I can barely even last with Jungkook and I only see him for a couple of minutes each day." Hoseok chuckled at my confession. "Anyways back to the main topic, Brent Lee age 25 found in a Jeju lake, gunshot wound in the head and it was shot in close range which meant he knew his shooter. They hired us to solve." "Is there any leads?" I asked. "Maybe. It might be a case related to your classified op." "Ooh, now I'm excited- Wait, I shouldn't be." Hoseok chuckled at my response. "Well since it has to do with your classified op you're the one in charge here since the op is your lead also." I nodded as he left some files on my desk. "Bye." He waved. "Bye." I replied walking back to my desk. I sighed sitting down looking at all the files and paperwork I have to go through. What's even worse is the overflow of emails from coworkers and everything.

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