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Sehun was at the shooting range again, he brought Luhan along with him. "Boss, H on your four." Luhan informed Sehun. But Sehun didn't hear and continued to fire some went straight to the paper's head others had missed. But Sehun was impressed by the girl on his left. Straight and every shot at the head. Then in his head, it clicked. But he was too late because she had already stopped and was conversing with Luhan outside. "Lu, come on." Sehun looked at Luhan, but he shook his head objecting. "Sehun you would really like her." Hana smiled at Sehun. "Mhm. Let's go." "Hey aren't you that guy I spelt bubble tea on?" She tilted her head furrowing her eyebrows. "Yeah." Sehun's answer was cold and quick. "Well bye Hana we'll talk later." Luhan smiled like a gentlemen and hugged Hana waving. "Bye Luhan!" Hana smiled waving back as she got into her own car. "What were you doing idiot?" Sehun scolded Luhan. "Don't talk to your hyung like that. I was just having a conversation with Hana." "Yeah. The person that wants to end our operations and put us in jail." Sehun frowned as he drove to the base.

While in the car Luhan was giggling at his texts. "Who're you texting?" "Hana." Sehun short stopped dramatically throwing his arm in front of Luhan. "Oww." Luhan groaned. "You can't text her. She could track your phone." "You dick." Luhan glared at Sehun. "Just hurry up so I can go eat the fried chicken Jongin ordered." Luhan turned his phone off waiting for Sehun to go now. Sehun sighed and continued driving.

Hana knew something was wrong when the first time she met them they rushed away from her. At first she thought something was in her teeth, or she had a stain somewhere. But to no avail, she looked fine just a little tired and worn out from working. So, she searched the database for a Lu Han. Nothing popped up which made her skeptical and decided to ask Kyungsoo. But, he wouldn't answer and Hana being the smart ass who dated him for three years knew he only refused because Luhan was one of his colleagues. Which meant Sehun was his colleague. Hmm too bad. I kinda like Luhan and Sehun. Hana thought as she was driving to her workplace.

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