t h i r t y - f o u r

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(SM seriously went all out look at his paper clip earing. Smh.)

"Hyung do you think maybe there's a possibility Jimin could have something to do with Hana's disappearance?" Taehyung looked at all of the other five men. "That. Is just absolutely stupid Taehyung." Yoongi blankly stared at Taehyung. "Yeah that is really stupid. Everyone knows he loves Hana so why would he kidnap her if he can see her everyday for like almost 17 hours straight." Jin said stuffing his mouth with food.

The next morning Hana and Sehun had left the hotel and moved onto a different hotel. Sehun and Hana paid with straight cash so they wouldn't leave any money or paper trail behind so it'd be harder to find the two. After that they had gotten a new car. They both listened to the radio.

"Lee Hana the special agent is still missing after three months and almost all of authorities have still been looking for her. She was last seen at her home at around mid-" Sehun groaned rolling his eyes, changing the channels. "Ring ding ding dong-" "Jeez this song is so annoying I'm not listening to the radio anymore." Sehun turned the radio off.

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