t h i r t y - t w o

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He brought us to a nice looking hotel. "We'll share the same room so we have less chances of both of us dying." I nodded as he checked us in. I saw someone who looked familiar, Jimin. "S-Sehun." My voice was barely above a whisper. "Sehun." He frowned turning to me, "What." "Jimin." I pointed at him meeting with another man. Sehun quickly grabbed the key card and dragged me into an elevator that he had just opened. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to basically hide you." "Yeah ok. Could you get me a phone to use?" "No. It's too risky they could track you." I looked at him and rolled my eyes, "I'd rather turn myself into Jimin than be without anything." "So, basically you'd rather die than being safe." The elevator dinged onto the required floor. I tilted my head, "Sure." I shrugged and walked behind him to the room.

We entered the room and immediately collapsed on the couches. "I'll sleep on the couch you can sleep in the bedroom." "You don't have to tell me twice." I smiled and jumped onto the king sized bed. "You're very mature for your age you know that?" "Duh do you expect me to act like Baekhyun where he acts like a two year old?" "I don't know I just expect you to be out partying enjoying life instead of working in a closed up office and knowing how evil the world is." "Well people learn about these things at different times. By the way I need some feminine products it starts next week." He looked up at me and just slowly back out of the doorway. "It's totally normal." I shouted. I groan laying back into the bed. It was more comfortable than the one in Sehun's whatever room.

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