f i f t y - s i x

149 7 3

(is this story boring??)

"Ok you guys we have our first op in a while." Junmyeon spoke to all of us as we sat at a large table. "We go undercover to take this gang out. They are in debt to us by a lot of money."

Before I knew it I was holding my lucky pistol getting ready to attack. The people working on the field today were Junmyeon, Sehun, Jongin, Kris, and I, for we are the best out of the team. Some a little better than the other, but they try.

Junmyeon gave the go sign speaking into the ear piece. Rapid fire pursued before I knew it everyone else was hiding because it was too crazy, but I took a knee and continued shooting. The rush was the reason this is my work.

We all left before we could get caught by bystanders. "Great work Hana I'm promoting you to get a higher pay." Junmyeon smiled.

"You're only doing that because she saved your ass that you can't cover." Sehun rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous that this was my first time with all of you guys and I get paid more already." I stuck my tongue out at him while Kris drove us to their own personal airport. Pretty soon we were back at a new hideout in Seoul.

"Hana we have new rules for everyone. Junmyeon, continue on." Xiumin sat on the couch sitting me onto his lap. I felt childish in this position.

I tried getting off but he held me tighter. "Ok first, no leaving here without us or our permission because Kyungsoo let you do that and you left. No hurting and lying to each other. This is for you guys," He pointed at all of the impatient boys.

"No touching her inappropriately." Sehun rolled his eyes as Junmyeon continued on, "And Hana no calling your old friends anymore." I gawked at him, "No that's not fair!! I didn't even get to say bye to them when I decided to stay with you idiots." Junmyeon leveled down to my height.

"What'd you say again baby?" He roughly gripped my chin. "Sorry." Since when did they call me baby and why am I suddenly submissive?

He raised a brow cocking his head to the side, "What did I tell you to call me when we first met?" "Oppa?" I said unsure.

Xiumin pinned me down on the couch making me flinch. "You call us daddy and we'll become putty in your hands." "D-daddy?" I blink innocently.

Sehun chuckled, "When did you become so innocent? You called Kyungsoo daddy all the time."

A soft blush crept onto my cheeks, "It's been awhile since I've been like that with anyone." They chuckled as Xiumin pulled me back up.

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