t w e l v e

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Hana's P.O.V

I looked over at 3:00. I blushed when I saw a cute guy, maybe 5'10 with a really tall guy on his 3:00. Unfortunately he left with his friend. I sighed and continued shooting at the paper target. I shot straight at the head many times. "Good job. You intrigue me." I looked at my new 3:00. It was Taehyung. "Hi Taehyung." I smiled putting the pistol down. "Let's grab some bubble tea." He smiled. I nodded and we left.

While at the bubble tea cafe I saw the same cute guy, but he has another tall friend that is also cute. I was walking, but I tripped spilling chocolate bubble tea on the second cute guy. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry." I quickly got napkins and wiped it off of him. "It's fine." His voice was deep. He put his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and her eyes locked. We both gulped then turned our heads. "Sorry. I'll pay for the damage." I offered. "It's okay," He smiled. "Well I have to go." He looked at Luhan and Kris then left. Hm, he likes chocolate bubble tea too.

Sehun's P.O.V

I mentally cursed myself for letting her get that close of a look at me. Now that I see her in real life, she...looks okay, I guess. I got into the passenger seat as Luhan got into the drivers and Kris sat in the back. "I told you she looks hot." Luhan turned and looked at me. "Just hurry up and get out of here." I sighed and took my phone out.


The target saw me. We're gonna have to hide better


You damn idiot. How could you let this happen!!


I'm sorry. I just really wanted bubble tea.


You guys what am I supposed to do??


Just watch out okay Lay?


Okay goodnight Lay.


Um. What? Anyways, Sehun be more careful next time. We can not let her blow our covers.


Ok. But then how will I get my bubble tea?


Order it then a dur.


Um okayy? But my favorite place doesn't deliver


Then no bubble tea from your favorite place.


This is why I wanted to work as a waiter.


That wouldn't help anything because you're still related to us.


Ugh just shut up 

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