t h i r t y - e i g h t

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My eyes opened and I saw Jimin. "Jimin, why?" "You're hair is so pretty you know I was thinking of dying my hair too I just didn't know what color. Is this a custom blonde color?" Jimin smiled touching my hair. "Get away from me you bastard." I jerked my chair to the side. "It's ok Hana I just have to keep you here for awhile so Jongdae can figure out your slow and painful death." He talked as if that was normal.

"Why are you doing this Jimin you're so nice and caring this isn't the real you." "I just want something totally secret about me, but I guess it's not that big of a secret now." Suddenly Jimin smacked me leaving me in a still state, "So how is it dating Sehun? You guys have kinky sex? I heard he's very dominant and amazing at sex from what the other members tell me." "First, we're not dating I don't love him he literally did horrible things to me just like you. Second, we have never have had sex after the kidnapping. Third, how the hell will the other members know he's amazing are they all gay for each other or something?" "Sehun has had sex with other women and they all hear it's amazing from them the next day." I looked at Jimin and burst out laughing. "Sehun? Sex with other women?" I laughed even harder. "What's so funny?" "Sehun is the most awkward person around girls he's like Jungkook. Sehun is so inexperienced he has yet to figure out what good sex feels like." "And you would know what good intercourse feels like?" "Um, I dated Kyungsoo the guy that's into bondage and is a sadism?" "Oh yeah Jongdae said once he sees you he's going to punch you just like how you did with Kyungsoo. And just so you know they are all pissed at you for killing him." I just hummed and sat silently.

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