Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

One Year Later

I made it! I'm finally graduating! I told my parents I want to go away for college and they've been pretty supportive actually. I've been accepted to a few colleges, so I have the choice of where to go. I'm thinking of going to NYU. They have an agricultural science and business degree that I'd like to take, so all being well I'll be gone before the end of the summer.

My senior year has been torture. I was the recluse; the loser; the loner. I didn't have any friends. To be honest, I didn't try to make friends because since overhearing Nate I now believe that no one in this town really likes me. I've known most of these people my whole life, but I've never really gone beyond the pleasantries. No one has tried to get to know me, only fuelling my thoughts about people not wanting to be my friend. I kept my head down the whole year. I studied and I worked on the ranch, that's pretty much it.

I've stayed out of the way of Caleb and his friends. I've actually done a pretty stellar job, if you ask me. Obviously, there have been occasions where we've crossed paths, but I've made up some excuse to get out of there as quick as possible.

I'm on my way back home after the graduation ceremony. I didn't want to attend the ceremony, but my parents insisted on it. My mom was adamant that I would show up the family if I didn't go and I would embarrass her. I want to run in and grab my swim suit so I can ride out to the lake and go for a dip. The house looks silent as I ascend the porch steps. I frown. It's too quiet and I almost turn around and head back to town but the lure of the lake and the chance to wash the day off carries my feet over the threshold.

As soon as I step inside, I instantly regret the decision. I hear a loud chorus of 'Congratulations!' echo through the room and I stand, rooted to the spot. I'm so shocked that I drop my bag and keys. I don't want this. I don't want these people here. Everyone that hates me is here. They've only come because Caleb asked them to and my mom is an awesome cook. She's probably cooked up some amazing fried chicken.

When I snap back to reality, I turn around and walk out of the house without uttering a single word. I don't even shut the door after me.

I hear Caleb shouting my name as I swiftly jog to the barn. That's one of my safe places; with the horses. My brother's legs are longer than mine and he catches up to me in no time.

He grabs my shoulders and shakes me, "What is wrong with you?! Mom threw a party for your graduation and you just run out of there?! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

I take a deep, steadying breath. I know if I don't, then I'll say something I'll regret.

When I feel like I've sufficiently got my thoughts together, I say, "I need a minute. That was a shock. I was all set to go out to the lake on my own and then that happens. Y'all can't just spring somethin' like that on me. You know I hate being the center of attention."

Caleb and I used to be so close and in distancing myself from the rest of his friends, I have created a rift between us. That was never my intention, truly. I see his eyes soften for a second and then he hugs me tight against him.

He whispers in my ear, "Why won't you tell me what's goin' on, Lex? There's obviously somethin' wrong. Why won't you tell me what it is?"

In that moment, I feel sorry for him. Because of my problems, I have hurt him and I didn't want that to happen. I was so set on not being a burden that him and his friends had to deal with, that I punished him at the same time.

I softly say, "I'm leavin', Caleb."

He sounds confused, "Leavin'?"

"For New York. I'm goin' to NYU."

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