Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Nate's P.O.V.

As soon as we step out of the room, my mom whispers, "We'll talk about that later. I guess you don't wanna bring that up in front of the Voights...?"

"I was just worried 'bout her, that's all. It was before I knew what was wrong. Caleb would kill me if I let anythin' happen to his little sister."

She nods but there's a mischievous glint in her eye. My folks aren't completely unaware of my life. They know I like Lexi and want to be her friend. They don't know how I really feel about my best friend's sister, but I'm guessing my momma has an idea judging by the look on her face. At this moment in time, I'll deny all knowledge. I need to get Lexi to accept my friendship before anything else.

I'm surprized to see Elizabeth here. Caleb and James I was expecting, but not her. James greets me first.

"Hey Nate, how's she doin'?"

"She's restin'. Did Caleb tell all y'all what's goin' on?"

"He said somethin' 'bout a collapsed lung. She gonna be ok?"

"Yeah, they've put a tube in to get rid of the air. They've said once it clears then Lexi will be allowed out."

James nods, "Thanks for takin' care of her, son. I hope she didn't give you too much trouble..."

"She wasn't really in the mood for talkin'. The main thing is she's ok."

The doctor steps out of Lexi's room and he approaches us.

James steps in and asks, "How is she?"

"Everythin' looks fine. She's on some pretty strong medication, so she might sleep for a while. All y'all can sit with her if you'd like. If y'all need anythin' the nurses are around to assist."

We thank the doctor and he's gone again, leaving us to go and sit with Lexi. I hang back to allow the Voights to enter the room first. As far as Lexi's family are concerned, she hates me and our relationship isn't very good. After everything that happened in Neon and in the diner in Nashville, I don't even know what is going on with Lexi and I. I know she apologized for being horrible to me, but I have a feeling that was the medication and the fear of what was happening. I need to speak to her properly to see where we stand now.

My mom watches me closely as I stay outside the room, just hanging in the doorway.

She whispers, "Aren't you comin' in?"

"No ma'am. Her family is here now. I'll get back to the ranch. The guys will need my help with James and Caleb here... Hey Caleb...? I'm gonna head back to the ranch. Did the feed get picked up?"

"Yeah. Charlie got it. Thanks for today Nate."

"Anytime. See y'all later."

My mom grabs my elbow, "I'll walk out with you. James, Elizabeth, I'm glad Alexis is ok. I'll check in with y'all tomorrow mornin'."

We all share goodbyes and my mom walks out of the hospital with me. I walk her to her car and she waits until we're actually out of the building before she says anything.

"You could have stayed, Nathaniel. I'm sure the boys can handle bein' alone on the ranch for one evenin'."

"It's better this way. You know the situation between Lexi and I. She doesn't like me and her family know that. They know she doesn't wanna be anywhere near me, so it looks a bit weird if I'm suddenly hangin' 'round in her hospital room. I was only there until one of them turned up anyway..."

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