Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Nate's P.O.V.

This whole week has been pretty tense. The atmosphere at the house is awful and Lexi has been wound so tight in the barn that I'm pretty sure she's going to snap at any moment. There's an explosion or melt down just waiting to happen. I only hope it's not directed at Elizabeth because, even though she deserves it, that isn't going to help any of the current problems.

Sunday breakfast is awkward. I'm sure everyone is wondering if or when Lexi will appear, but no one wants to ask.

It seems like Caleb decides to be brave, as he asks, "Is Lex joinin' us for supper tonight?"

James clears his throat, "No. I don't think she'll be joinin' us for a little while at least."

Elizabeth clangs her spoon against her bowl. She's clearly got her own thoughts on the whole matter.

Caleb continues to press for answers, "What's goin' on? What aren't y'all tellin' us?"

"Your mom and Lexi have differin' opinions 'bout some stuff. Until those can be resolved then Lex has decided it's better for her to stay away. We may not like it but we have to respect her decisions."

Elizabeth scoffs at that and it seems like Caleb can't hold his tongue any longer, "Mom, if you were a little more understandin' and not so stuck up then you might actually see that she's a really nice kid. She's changed, sure, but not necessarily in the ways you think. Things aren't perfect but they're changin'. I wish you could see and accept that. She's even started to answer Nate's questions when he talks to her."

Caleb's mom doesn't appreciate the reprimand, "That's no way to talk to your mother, Caleb. What kind of children have I raised? Do neither of you respect your parents and authority?"

"Seriously mom? If you weren't behavin' the way you are then I wouldn't have to talk to you like this. I don't know how Lex has been speakin' to you coz she doesn't talk 'bout it. In fact, she doesn't say anythin' 'bout you. She doesn't talk bad 'bout you but she doesn't say anythin' good either. Don't you think that's pretty sad?"

Elizabeth is silent for a minute or two and then she responds, "You know what this town is like and what people expect of us. Alexis has deliberately disregarded those rules and caused gossip to be spread about her and us. Some of the things the men in town are saying are not wholesome. She has all of your friends discussing her tattoos and Daisy said Lexi was flirting with Dan. Flirting with a married man! That is not how we raised her and it is not acceptable behavior."

I can't stop myself from interrupting here. My mouth takes on a mind of its own.

"I don't believe that for a second and neither should you. You should know your daughter enough to know she wouldn't do somethin' like that. Lexi can't stand our friends so there's no way she'd flirt with any of them, let alone Dan, who is married."

All eyes snap to me and I realize I've just jumped to Lexi's defense. I'm certain they're going to question it, but to my surprize Caleb just confirms my words instead.

"That is true. Lexi hates them as much as she hates Nate, maybe even more now actually. Sorry bro, but it's the truth. Is all of this seriously over some tattoos that she has?"

I don't get a chance to comment because Elizabeth is right in there. It seems like Caleb has released her fury.

"You boys have no idea what has been happening. You have no idea of the things that have been seen and told to me. There is far more to this than tattoos. Your sister needs to realize that her actions have consequences. Not just for her, but for this whole family. I want people to respect her but they can't do that with the way she's currently behaving."

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