Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Nate's P.O.V.

Chris and I drag Lexi into the closest diner that is still open and we find somewhere to sit right in the back, away from any prying eyes. Judging by her current mood and level of intoxication, there's a good chance Lexi will do or say something we'll all cringe at. She's already shown me that she'll say things that she wouldn't normally.

The waitress slides over to our table and shoots a flirtatious smile at Chris and myself. I don't miss the look of disgust she throws at Lexi either. I know Lexi is drunk, but this waitress has no right to judge. She has no idea what is going on.

"Howdy. What can I get all y'all?"

I smile politely at the waitress, who's name tag says Daphne, "We'll have three coffees to start please..."

Lexi throws a hand up like she's in class and interrupts, "Water, lots of it."

Chris doesn't miss a beat, "And a jug of water please."

Daphne nods, hands Chris and myself menus and winks, "Y'all just let me know when you're ready to order."

Lexi frowns, "Where's my menu?"

Daphne slowly hands Lexi a menu and says, "I thought you'd be too drunk to read it, sweetie..."

Lexi chuckles, "No chance. These guys made sure of that, didn't y'all?"

Daphne walks away to grab our drinks and Lexi mutters, "I should slap her silly for bein' so rude. We're payin' customers..."

I raise my eyebrows at her, "Have you even got any money left after tonight? Your purse is in the barn..."

She laughs, "You think I paid for my drinks? Chris, he thinks I paid for my drinks..."

Chris frowns, "Lex, behave. How is he supposed to know any different? Leave the poor guy alone. You want ribs?"

Lexi stares at the menu, but I know she's not reading it. She's either lost in her thoughts or in a drunken haze. I'm not really sure which. I slide my hand across the table and touch her hand with mine. She nearly jumps out of her skin at the startle into reality.

I smile a little, "You want me to order?"

I think the air and a lull in adrenaline are causing the alcohol to have a greater effect on Lexi, because her eyes look heavier than before.

She nods but goes back to staring at the menu without speaking.

"You ready to order, Chris?"

He nods and when Daphne returns with our drinks, Lexi is straight in there with the water. She chugs the whole glass, and starts on a second, while I order.

"I'll have the classic burger and fries..."

Chris interrupts, "I'll have the same."

I nod, "She'll have pecan pie with ice cream and vanilla puddin' to start, and then ribs and sweet potato fries."

Daphne writes everything down and shoots sickly sweet smiles at Chris and I before turning to fill our orders.

Lexi has slowed down with her water, so she snorts, "She's tryin' to get y'all to flirt with her... She's not doin' a good job, but still..."

Chris quietly warns, "Lex..."

"What?! It's true!"

"Don't cause a scene, especially not before we eat, huh?"

She smirks, "Good point."

Lexi's pie arrives first and her whole face lights up as soon as she sees the dessert. When she puts the first spoonful in her mouth, she groans, closes her eyes and savors the flavor.

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