Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Nate's P.O.V.

Caleb's truck is already in our drive when I get home. I jog into the house to change my clothes, hoping I'll find Caleb in there too. No such luck; it seems he's already in the barn. I grab a snack bar on my way to the barn and go in search of my best friend.

I find him in one of the stalls, cleaning it out.

"Caleb, we need to talk."

He looks up at me, but doesn't speak so I continue.

I hiss, "What the fu...dge was that all 'bout at the hospital?!"

James and Elizabeth have just got back, and I've just seen James walk across the barn. He doesn't like us cursing, especially near the animals.

Caleb eyes me suspiciously, "What's gotten into you? Why are you actin' like Lexi's new friend all of a sudden?"

I sigh and counter, "Why are you actin' like your momma? Do you seriously believe any of that stuff?"

He shrugs, "I don't know. I don't wanna believe it's true, but she's different..."

"Of course she's different! She's an adult now! That don't mean the gossip is true!"

"How are you so sure none of it's true? How are you such an expert on Lexi all of a sudden?"

"I've known your whole family all of my life; I think that makes me somewhat of an expert on all y'all. I know how y'all were raised and I know that neither of you are bad people. I know that y'all would never intentionally hurt your parents or steal someone's husband or wife. I mean, seriously Caleb? Can you really believe she'd do something like that?"

"I don't think she'd do that, but we've know Daisy and Dan forever. Why would Daisy lie 'bout somethin' like that?"

I shrug, "Who knows. Maybe she just don't like Lexi. Have you even asked Dan 'bout it?"

Caleb shakes his head, so I grab my cell and dial his number.

As soon as he answers, I speak.

"Hey Dan, you got a couple minutes? I've got Caleb with me, can I put you on speaker?"

When he's on speaker, Dan's voice is full of concern when he speaks.

"Are all y'all ok? Nothin's happened to Lexi, has it? Mike said she's in hospital."

Caleb answers, "Lex is ok. We just wanna clear somethin' up, if you don't mind us askin'."

"Shoot. If I can help, then go ahead."

I jump in before Caleb can, just in case he doesn't word it very tactfully.

"Have you heard some of the rumors goin' 'round 'bout Lexi?"

"Yeah, some. I try not to listen to that trash though."

Caleb doesn't wait for me to say anything further. Instead, he just comes straight out with it.

"Are y'all havin' an affair? Is she stealin' you away from Daisy?"

Dan is silent for a few seconds and then he starts laughing.

Through his chuckles, he asks, "Are y'all prankin' me right now?"

Caleb huffs, "Just answer the dang questions, Dan. Are y'all sleepin' together?"

"What?! No! Are y'all serious...? Y'all are actually bein' serious!"

I jump in before things can get any worse.

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