Chapter Fifty-Six

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Chapter Fifty-Six

Nate's P.O.V.

What the heck just happened?! How did everything take such a nose-dive?

Caleb breathes out, "What. The. Fudge?"

Casey actually jumps to Lex's defense, "I can't believe y'all would do that. Y'all say that she's in the wrong? From where I'm standin' y'all are way, way worse."

Daisy isn't backing down, "Did y'all hear what she said? She pretty much admitted she's a slut and y'all are ok with that? Y'all are takin' her side?!"

Caleb is quick to defend his girlfriend and his sister. Despite the rocky road the siblings have travelled since Lex returned, he'll always have her back in this kind of situation. I know he won't go against his momma so much, but he'll fight anyone else if they hurt his sister.

"Lex was yankin' your chain! She only said all that to get under your skin. If y'all hadn't started it, then she wouldn't have messed with y'all. That's my sister y'all are talkin' bad 'bout. If y'all can't be nice, then y'all should leave."

He turns to Dan and bluntly asks, "Y'all never slept together, right?"

Dan angrily growls, "No! What is it with people thinkin' that?!"

I off handedly remark, "Ask your wife. She's the one who told people Lex was stealin' you away from her. That's where it all started."

Daisy looks furious, "That ain't true. It started with Alexis' behavior."

Mike chuckles, "Just coz she's different and she likes to have a good time, it don't mean she's up to no good. Y'all need to chill out."

Caleb looks like he's really going to explode. No one wants or needs to see that, so I step in.

"Dan, I think you should take Daisy and Harper back to town. They ain't doin' themselves any favors and Caleb is gonna blow if they keep on."

Harper stares at me and then asks, "You ain't takin' me back?"

"No. I'm gonna be with my best friend and make sure his sister is ok. We will talk 'bout this, just not now."

She stomps off after Dan and Daisy. She ain't the only one who isn't happy. I'm pretty darn angry with her right now.

Caleb opens another beer and throws himself onto the grass.

"Now I'm gonna get real drunk. Stupid, highfalutin' snakes. Lex weren't far wrong, was she Nate?"

"I reckon so. You gonna check on her?"

"You think she wants any of us near her right now? I'll wait til I'm drunk and then blame it on that if she pitches a hissy fit..."

He finishes his sentence with a small smile. He does know his sister after all. She'll be a lot more forgiving if he's drunk. The mood is sour now though and it takes a lot of alcohol for that to change. Once Caleb starts drinking, he doesn't stop, and he forgets to check on Lex. Instead, he's dancing with Casey. They're both pretty drunk and getting a bit handsy with each other.

Josh laughs as he slurs, "Y'all need to get a room!"

Caleb grabs Casey's butt and exclaims, "He's got a point! Let's get out of here, baby!"

They stumble through the walk back to our house, so I'm left with Josh, Mike, Adam and Dylan.

Dylan hasn't been drinking, so I reckon the guys are going back home instead of crashing at our's.

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