Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Nate's P.O.V.

Lexi has been home just over two months now and in the last two weeks she's been more distant than before. She's disappearing again and no one knows why. She works on the ranch, has supper with us and then goes to bed. She goes to the lake a lot as well, but I haven't seen her at Gruff's at all. I'm not there much, but I haven't heard any stories so I don't think she's been drinking there.

Caleb and her have been spending a little more time together, but he's seeing Casey so he also spends as much time with Casey as he can. He's is trying to convince Lexi to stay, even if he's not necessarily saying as such. He sees how distant she is and he's voiced how worried he is about it.

I've been trying my hardest to make her realize it isn't that bad here and there are reasons for her to stay. She's made it quite clear that she doesn't want me anywhere near her, so I've been trying to win her trust by doing stupid little things. Like bringing breakfast out to the barn for her, trying to keep her mom from ragging on her, or steering the conversation away from marriage and kids. I sit on the fence of the round pen while she's riding and try to find any way I can to help her. I just want to show her that we can be around each other without all the hate and resentment. I don't think it's working, but it's worth a try, huh? If I do nothing, then she'll leave anyway and I'll have done nothing to stop it. I can't stand back and watch her family go through that a second time if there was something I could have done to stop it.

The horses James bought are going into the sales in a week's time, so if Lexi is going to leave, it'll be soon after that. I really hope that we've been able to change her mind and her being distant is because she's battling with the decision. Somehow I don't think that's the case.

Lexi is laying on the couch in the den, watching TV, when Caleb and I enter the room. We had the same idea as her and the Voight's den has a way better TV than our house. As soon as I walk into the room, Lexi gets up and starts to walk towards the door.

I sigh, "Stay, Lex. I'll go home. I'll see you later, Caleb."

Caleb's voice is stern when he speaks, "No."

I raise my eyebrows and question, "No?"

"No. You're my best friend and we're gonna watch a movie. I'm tired of this, Lex. Y'all need to figure somethin' out and get on with it. I've let this go on for too long. I don't know what's gone on, but y'all need to be able to at least function in the same room. I don't even care if y'all don't like each other, but at least stay in the same room for goodness sake. I hate that you can't even look at him, Lex. What the heck is goin' on?"

She sighs and I see hurt flash in her eyes. She's really upset about something. She's silent and it looks like she's thinking about something intently. I hate seeing her so sad and I don't want to be the cause of that.

I say, "It's ok, man. I don't wanna upset her. She was here first anyways."

Caleb gets a defiant look in his eyes. Oh dear, here comes the Voight stubbornness. It's a strong trait in this family, but Caleb rarely shows this side of him.

"No. Y'all are gonna sit in this room together if I have to hog tie you both. I'm done with this. Y'all don't even have to talk. We're gonna watch a movie. That requires absolutely no conversation. Sit. Both of y'all."

I raise my hands, "Ok, ok. I ain't arguin' with you when you get all ornery like this..."

I whisper to Lexi, "I'd do as he says. He will hog tie us..."

I think I see a flicker of a smile, but it's gone before I can be sure. It takes her a minute or two to comply, but she sits on the single chair nearest the door. Her back is straight and rigid; she's not comfortable in the slightest. I don't understand how she can go from this to confiding in me stuff about New York, and then back to this again. I just don't get it.

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