Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven

Lexi's P.O.V.

The sun is just starting to peek through the blinds when I stir. It's actually the small beams of light that wake me. I feel and hear someone breathing next to me and I'm slightly confused for a second or two. I glance over to my left and let out a sigh of relief when I see it's Nate laying next to me. Before I returned to the ranch, I didn't think I'd ever think like that.

Nate is still sleeping, so I carefully untangle myself from his arm and quietly head out to the kitchen. He must have had quite a bit to drink last night, because he certainly wasn't acting like he usually does. I don't think I've ever seen 'drunk Nate' before, but I kind of liked it. I have no idea if he suffers with hangovers, so I decide to take precautions just in case. Let's be honest, he's taken care of me plenty of times, so now it's my turn to do the same for him.

I put the coffee on to brew, fill a glass with water and grab some pain relief. I silently place the water and tablets on the bedside table, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. Nate is still asleep by the time I'm ready to head out to the barn, so I write a quick note and make my way to the barn.

I'm cleaning out Dakota's stall when Caleb cautiously walks into the barn. I almost laugh at the sight of him.

I stifle a chuckle and comment, "You look like ten miles of bad road, man..."

He shoots me a half-hearted smile, "I kinda feel like it too. Maybe drinkin' that much wasn't such a good idea after all."

"Probably not."

"I wish I was more like you..."

I'm so shocked, I think my eyebrows actually hit the top of my head.


"Yeah. You don't get hangovers. I'm so jealous of that right now."

It figures that's the only way he'd want to be like me.

I try to laugh off the slight sting of that truth, "You gotta drink a whole lot more than y'all do to get to that point, trust me."

He pales at my words, "I'm not sure I can do it. It takes a lot for me to admit that too."

I laugh, "Maybe we'll ease you in slowly, huh?"

"That's probably a good idea... I'm also jealous of the way you can pretend what Harper and Daisy said don't hurt you. You doin' ok?"

"They don't mean anythin' to me. They ain't my friends so their opinion don't count. Don't let it bother you none."

He sighs, "How can I not? You're my sister, I'm supposed to protect you... Don't look at me like that... No matter what our differences are or what we say to each other, that don't give anyone else the right to run you down. Nate may be the only exception here coz he's basically family. Still, it would depend on what he says too..."

I shake my head and chuckle at my silly brother.

"Bro, you're thinkin' too much 'bout this. I ain't lettin' it affect me and neither should you."

"Lex? You were just yankin' their chain last night, right? You weren't serious 'bout all that sex talk, were you?"

My brother doesn't need to know what I've got up to in my life and he sure doesn't need to start questioning things.

I frown and pretend I'm angry with him for even thinking that, "No, Caleb. I was just tryin' to get under their skin. I figured if they were gonna make up those lies, then I'd use them to my advantage. They know they're makin' up lies so I wanted to play them at their own game. You think it worked?"

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