Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

Lexi's P.O.V.

As soon as Nate drives away, I feel kind of bad. I don't know why I behave the way I do. I don't know why I said all those things to him. He makes me do and say stuff that I normally wouldn't. I wasn't lying when I said I like drinking and dancing. Ok, so maybe I don't like being a whore, but I do like sleeping with guys. I'm not going to lie about that.

Aside from my dad, Nate and his parents are pretty much the only people in town that haven't shunned me or treated me differently in some way. Nate has helped me more than even my dad has and I probably shouldn't have treated him like that. I just can't seem to help myself. There might possibly be some truth to what he was saying, but I don't really want to admit that he could be right.

Instead, I turn the music up and let the harmonies of Florida Georgia Line fill my ears. I continue turning the hay and I don't head back until nearly sunset. I deliberately take a bit longer because I like the work and I don't particularly want to face Nate.

When I get back to the barn, my dad is waiting for me. He smiles when he sees me.

"It looks good out there."

"It smells great. That is gonna be beautiful hay if we can get it in before the rain hits. I reckon we could bale it tomorrow afternoon."

"It's dry enough?"

"I reckon so. I'll turn it in the morning again and then I think it will be good to go in the afternoon. What I don't get done tomorrow I can finish up on Saturday. It might be pushin' it to get everythin' baled and in before the dew sets tomorrow night."

"Sounds good to me. So... Sean and Jennifer are joinin' us for Sunday supper this week. You're more than welcome to join us too."

"That comin' from you or momma?"

He shoots me a knowing look, like he doesn't really need to answer my question.

"Then no thanks. I ain't subjectin' myself to her hurtful ways if she ain't willin' to make an effort. I don't wanna feel any worse, thanks. Dad?"


"You think momma has spoken to Mrs. W?"

"I doubt that. Why?"

"She didn't want me at the motel anymore. I figured momma had said somethin' to her..."

He looks angry, but his tone doesn't portray that when he talks.

"I don't think your momma would discuss you to the town folk. Despite how wrong she is and how small minded she's bein', she wouldn't want anyone else knowin' her business. Why did Judith ask you to leave?"

"She said it needed to be cleared for new guests, even though I'd paid for the room. When I got my refund she told Nate I was a bad influence and I was steerin' him in the wrong direction."

I see his face turn a weird shade of red before he grinds out, "You finish up. Nate's waitin' to take you back. I'll see you tomorrow."

He gets in his truck and speeds down the drive, leaving a cloud of dust and gravel behind him. I don't even get a chance to ask what's going on or say goodbye. I know better than to try and stop my dad when he gets that look on his face. He's normally a pretty laid back guy, but when he gets angry like that, the best thing you can do is to stay out of his way.

Nate comes out of the barn, shutting the doors behind him.

"What was that?"

"My dad. He's angry."

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