Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Lexi's P.O.V.

I can't believe my dad, (and Nate), got me a cabin. I don't know if they thought it was going to make me stay, but they're going to be disappointed if that's the case. A place to live isn't going to change how people treat me. If things don't change with my momma and everyone else in this town, then having a whole mansion won't get me to stay. Someone can only take being treated badly for so long. I think I'm pretty much at that point. I try to stay away from town as much as possible, but the rift between my family and I is killing me.

I pretend like it doesn't bother me, but I hate it so much. I hate that Caleb and my mom believe those terrible things about me. I've never given them a reason to think any of that stuff while I've been home. They don't know about my life in New York so they can't even use that as a reference point. I know I didn't exactly live a perfect life in the big city, but I'm not living that life now. I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss parts of it though.

I want to get drunk. I want to dance. I want to spend the night with a guy (or a few guys). I promised Chris I wouldn't get drunk in a different place without him, so I'm waiting for him to visit. I really, really need a night to let loose. I've been holding it in for far too long. I was on medication, I know that was a big part of why I didn't drink. I'm off the meds now, so I could go into town and prop up a bar stool at Gruffs. I might do that tonight actually. I think I deserve a night out. I don't have to get totally trashed. I can just go out, have a few drinks and maybe dance with a few guys. That'll have to be the limit of my 'fun' in this town unfortunately. Can't have people talking bad about me, can we? Who knows what will get back to my parents. My momma already believes it, but I don't want my dad to think I'm a cheap whore. Despite what the truth is.

I spend most of Saturday getting things together in the cabin. I do like it, truly. Just because it's not enough to make me stay, it doesn't mean that I'm ungrateful or that I don't like it.

Nate came into Nashville with me and helped me buy the essentials. He actually helped me pick a bed, which is being delivered this week. I insisted on a huge bed. When I tried to explain why, he covered his ears and started singing, telling me he didn't want to know.

It's been easier with Nate, I have to admit. He's been a great help, especially seeing as I don't really have anyone else. It's not the same with Chris and Roxy because they're not here. They don't know about our town and the way life works here. They will never understand what the constraints are like being in a town of this size.

I hear a cupboard door shut, which makes me jump. When I look up, I remember Nate is in the kitchen. I completely zoned out there.

"The kitchen is done. Anythin' else?"

I shake my head, "I think that's everythin'. Bathroom, kitchen and bedroom are done. Well, as much as they can be."

"You really need a couch and a TV."

I groan, "I know. I should have done that today."

"Maybe your dad will go with you this week?"

"I'll just go Monday evenin'."

"It might not be any of my business, but you're not askin' your dad for help?"

"No way. I appreciate everythin' he's done already but I can't take anymore from him."

"I don't understand, darlin'. What's the big deal 'bout him buyin' you some stuff?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me. I think I may surprize you."

I sigh and sit on the floor with my legs crossed. I run my fingers over the grain in the wood on the floor and Nate sits next to me, waiting in silence.

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