Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

Lexi's P.O.V.

I wake up with a desperate need to pee. I take a quick look at my surroundings because I have no recollection of what happened after I left the diner. I see Chris sleeping on the bed across from mine and then I locate what I assume is the bathroom door. Nope, there's no time to waste here. I really need to take a leak. I've done a lot of things while I've been drunk and the morning after a heavy night, but peeing myself is not one of them. I haven't done that since I was potty trained and I have no intention of starting now.

Once I've dealt with the full bladder situation, I grab a shower to wash off the night's grossness. Chris is still asleep when I return from the bathroom and I glance at the clock: 3:22am. I could head home and sort my horses out before anyone wakes up. Then they'd be done and I won't have to spend any time near my family. Some family they are, huh?

I shake Chris and whisper, "Chris, wake up a second."

He groggily responds, "What time is it?"

"Just after 3."

"Go back to sleep, Lex. We've only been here a couple hours."

"You stay here. I'm gonna head home to work my horses. I'll be back before everyone wakes up. You can get some sleep and I'll be back before you know it."

"You're still drunk, Lex."

"Nah, I'm fine. Just a little bit of a headache."

He sits up at my words, "You're definitely still drunk. If you have a headache then you were way over the limit last night. You're too drunk to drive."

"I feel fine, Chris."

He frowns, "Nope, not happening. Give me a minute and I'll drive you."

He jumps up and grabs my keys before I can take them and leave without him. He actually knows me pretty well.

"Just let me clean up. We'll get breakfast before we head out."

So, I sit on the bed waiting for him. He doesn't back down on getting breakfast either. He seems completely unaware of the fact that I want to get done and out of the ranch before everyone wakes up.

The journey starts out silent, but then I quietly speak.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I know this wasn't quite what you had in mind when you decided to visit. I'm sorry I've been a jerk and haven't exactly been great company."

"Hey, I get it. Things are pretty rough here right now. I want you to hang in there though. Finish the rest of the year and see what happens after that."

I shake my head, "I'm gonna get these horses ready for the next sales and then I think I'll leave. My dad might miss me for a minute, but he'll be glad to get rid of the tension, I'm sure."

"It's not just your dad that will miss you. Your brother and Nate will too..."

I let out a snort at that, "Yeah, my brother who couldn't or wouldn't defend me and Nate who's 'done with me'. You heard him yourself. Yep, sounds like I've really got a fan club here."

"Nate was upset and hurt. He's never seen you like that. Besides, you were pretty horrible to that waitress."

That reminds me, "What happened after the diner?"

He shoots me a quick look, "You don't remember?"

I shake my head.

"Dude, you were way more drunk than I thought. You sure you should even be riding these horses today?"

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