Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

James' P.O.V.

Once the boys have left, I stand on the porch and let out a deep sigh before heading back into the house. This conversation probably isn't going to go well. My wife is stubborn and she won't want to see reason. She probably doesn't believe she's wrong in the slightest so I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

When I step into the dining room, Elizabeth is clearing the lunch plates.

She glances up at me and comments, "I guess lunch is over then."

I shoot her a glare, "Who's fault do you think that is, huh? Couldn't you just keep quiet for one meal? And in front of a guest? What is wrong with you Liz?!"

"What is wrong with me?! Do you not even care what people are saying about our daughter?!"

"Clearly not as much as you. People in this town talk, all the time. Nearly all of what they say isn't true so why are you so bothered by it all?"

"Because they weren't talking about our daughter before. Because what they're saying is clearly true..."

"What?! You don't know that! Lexi hasn't been stealin' people's husbands! Why would you believe somethin' like that?!"

"Why wouldn't I? She has tattoos and she worked in a bar, it doesn't look good for her, does it? You can't be happy with that..."

"What is your problem?! No, I know what your problem is; you're being a stuck up bigot. Lexi worked at a bar to put herself through school, so we didn't have to pay for it. She didn't wanna put any extra pressure on us. She has tattoos. No, I don't like it, but she's an adult. She can do what she wants and makin' her feel like she's isn't wanted or loved is not the way to deal with it."

"Of course I love her! Why do think I want better for my daughter?! Do you really think I want people to see her as a cheap and easy girl?!"

"Well, you're already assumin' she's behavin' that way. What has she got to lose?! You don't want her to behave that way, but you're givin' her no reason not to behave like this. It's very rare that I disagree with you Elizabeth, but I can't agree with the way you're actin'. I can't, and won't, agree with your small-mindedness. Things are different to when we were young. You have to see that. You have to accept your daughter for the way that she is..."

"I can't accept that she's behaving this way. I don't want her to settle for less than she can, and should, be. She is selling herself short and I don't want to believe she's willing to settle for that. How can you just accept that?! Don't you want her to be better?!"

"From where I'm standin', she's a pretty decent young lady. It's you that's seein' all the bad things. You need to get passed your hang ups and see her for what she really is; a beautiful, kind, clever and talented young woman. She could speak badly of you, but she doesn't. She could have argued this afternoon, but she didn't. Doesn't that say somethin' of her character? Or maybe that just shows how stubborn and stuck up you are, that she doesn't believe you'd even listen to her. I don't know what you expect her to do anymore..."

"How about act like a proper young Southern lady?"

"Because she's not all about frilly skirts, shopping, marriage and havin' babies? You know she's never been interested in any of that, so why are you raggin' on her about it now?"

"Because I've seen her behavior. I've heard the way people are talking about her in town. Do you really think I want to hear about the last guy she's slept with or who wants to sleep with her next?!"

"Do you really believe any of that? Boys say those kinda things, even when they're not true. She's the new thing in town. She's back after a long time and she's changed a lot. Of course they're gonna say stuff like that. You don't really believe any of that talk, do you? You can't think that little of our daughter that you'd just take other people's word as truth..."

"You think half the bar is wrong when they tell stories of Alexis drinking and dancing like a cheap city girl?"

"You think Caleb and Nate would allow those kinda things to happen? You think they'd allow boys to say that kinda stuff if it was true? Those two would protect her at all costs. You can't honestly think so little of the way we raised them. Besides all of that, Lex is an adult. She can do what she wants. We don't have to like all of her decisions, but she has to make them for herself. You can't even use the excuse that she's livin' under our roof, coz you chased her out of the house. You pretend to the town that you're a perfect, dotin' mother, but you're quite the opposite really. You have to live with the fact that you've probably lost our daughter for good. Because of your selfish, narrow-minded thinkin' you're believin' all the gossip and lies. I won't side with you, Elizabeth. I won't let Lexi think I agree with you or that I don't love her for the way she is. You have to figure this out for yourself and then hope that she forgives you for the awful things you've said."

I can see that this argument is going nowhere, so I storm out of the house and into the barn. None of the ranch hands say a word as I saddle up Oscar. I need to calm down and clear my head and the best way to do that is to sit on a horse. I plan on taking my time checking the herds and the fences. Maybe by the time I'm back, the boys will have some news on where Lexi is. I hope that she's safe and that she knows I love her, even if her mother isn't showing that right now.

I don't go into the house for supper. Nate and Caleb are still out and I haven't heard from them. I've called a few times, but there's been no news. I'm starting to really worry when I see Caleb's truck pull up to the barn. I glance at the time, almost 11:30pm.

He's barely pulled to a stop whenI yank his door open, "Have you found her"

"Nate and Chris have her."

"And she's ok?"

He shrugs, "I don't think she'll be ok after what mom said at lunch. She's safe and with Nate and Chris. They're gonna take care of her."

"Is she drunk?"

He looks shocked and then a little sheepish.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Y'all might think I'm old and stupid, but I'm not. I know she drinks, Caleb. I'm definitely not that naive."

"Yeah, she's drunk. Nate will make sure she's ok. Did you talk to mom?"

I scoff, "I tried to. There ain't no talkin' sense to that woman right now. She seems to have a block when it comes to Lex. Like she can only see the bad."

"I know. You wanna crash at mine tonight? Beats sleepin' on the couch. Nate won't be back til tomorrow."

I shoot him a sad smile, "Yeah, that would be good. Thanks son."

"Welcome. It'll all be ok, dad. It'll come out in the wash."

"I hope so, son. I sure hope so."

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