Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Lexi's P.O.V.

I sit on my bed after Nate leaves and wonder what the heck just happened. Caleb talks about my attitude having a complete u-turn, but I think him and Nate have done a complete one eighty. Nate confuses me. Sometimes I think maybe he's telling the truth and he might want to be my friend, but then I think about how hurt I was and still am. Believing him is far too risky, right? I mean, what if he's just playing me right now? What if he wants me to stay so he can just make my life a complete misery? Surely he wouldn't do that, would he? It counts for something that he hasn't told anyone about my past, doesn't it? But maybe he's just waiting for the right time to cause maximum damage. I'm being too paranoid, right?

I decide I can't think about this any longer or it really will drive me insane. I'm possibly already half-way there, seeing as I'm throwing questions at myself and expecting the answers to jump right out at me.

I grab my cell and find Chris' contact details. I let out a steadying breath. I haven't spoken to him since I left New York, so I have no idea how this call is going to go. Before I can second guess myself anymore, I press that little call button.

It rings for a little while, before he picks up.


"Hey Chris."

"Lexi! Man, is it good to hear your voice! How are you? What's happening? What's been going on with you? Are you coming back?"

I chuckle at his overload of questions. All the awkwardness is shaken off at that moment and we seem to go back to how things used to be.

"Wow, missin' me much?"

He laughs, "You have no idea. I've got no workout partner now, well, no one that can keep up with me anyway. So, details, missy."

I smile at his excitement, "I'm ok. It's takin' me some gettin' used to goin' back to normal life. I'm back to trainin' horses and I helped a mare give birth to her baby. What's goin' on with you?"

"Your twang is stronger. It's hot. It's like when I first met you... I broke up with Kayla."

"Roxy said. Why? When did this happen?"

"Like a month ago. She was getting too much for me, man. Like checking up on me constantly. I guess it was a mistake telling her where I work. She always knew I worked security on the doors, but I didn't tell her where straight away."

"That sucks. Just coz you work there, doesn't mean anythin' is happenin'. Some girls, man."

"You're not wrong. How's your family?"

"They're good. Small town life is takin' a while to fit on me again."

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. They don't like what your job was?"

I chuckle, "There's no way I'd tell them. That's askin' to be shunned, man."


I whisper, "You have no idea.... I've missed you, Chris. I've missed this. It's not difficult between us."

It should be awkward between us, but it's not. How is that possible? We spent months sleeping together and then went to being friends. It was weird for a little while, but we got over that. In fact, I think we ended up being better friends because of it.

"What's wrong, hun? You sound sad. Talk to me."

I swallow a sob before it can be heard. I refuse to cry over this whole thing. I won't let Nate and his friends cause me to shed any more tears.

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