Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Lexi's P.O.V.

Chris and I climb into the very back of Mike's truck. Everyone is silent and I think they've had more liquor than they can handle. I'm drunk, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I'm too out of it to function. I mean, I think I can still hold a conversation. Taking my boots off might be an issue.


I hear a round of groans and Caleb hisses, "Inside voice, Lex. Too loud..."

I laugh, which causes another round of complaints.

Chris places his hand over my mouth, looks me in the eye and whispers, "Quiet voice, Lex. We've spoken about this before."

I drop my voice a notch, "Sorry."

"That's better. What did you want, hun?"

"I need to take my boots off."

"Right now?"

"I can't take them off. I need to take them off."

"But we're not back yet. Can't it wait until we're back at the motel?"

I start to panic at the thought of not being able to take my boots off. Don't ask why, because it's a silly little thing. Maybe it's my drunk brain not being able to cope with the lack of control.

I feel myself getting distressed at the thought of not being able to get my boots off.

"But I need to take them off..."

Nate's groggy voice starts to filter through my ears, "Lift your legs, Lex. I'll do it."

I eventually manage to lift my legs enough for Nate to remove my boots. It takes a few attempts because I'm actually quite drunk and I can't seem to hold my legs up or coordinate myself properly. Somehow Nate manages to complete the task and he puts my boots on the seat beside him.

As I pull my legs up to my chest, I whisper, "Thanks Nate."

He quietly responds, "Anytime darlin'."

The rest of the journey is quiet, with just the radio on low to fill the silence. I start to fall asleep, so I nudge Chris. He knows what that means because he lifts his arm and lets me tuck into his side.

As I'm going to sleep, I say, "You're very comfortable, Chris."

I feel him chuckle, but I don't hear anything else as sleep pulls me in.

I'm woken up when I feel myself being lifted. I panic when I hear talking and it takes me a few seconds to recognize the voice, but it's not coming from the person that's holding me.

"Her boots are here. You want me to carry them up?"

He doesn't sound worried, but I'm very confused so I call out, "Nate?"

"I'm right here, darlin'. Just here."

I open my eyes and see Nate standing next to me. I move my head and see Chris holding me close to his chest.

I let out a relieved sigh, "I was about as confused as a fart in a fan factory for a second."

I hear Nate chuckle, and Chris smiles at me, "You probably forgot I was here. You feeling it now?"

"Just tired."

"We'll get you to bed, yeah?"

"Ok. Thanks for takin' care of me."

"No problem. Not sure what you would have done without me though."

"Me neither."

I hear Nate say, "I'd have taken care of you."

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