Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Lexi's P.O.V.

I'm confused when I feel the sun on my face and hear the birds singing. I feel a hard chest against my back and arms wrapped me. I trample down the panic I'm feeling and try to recall the events of last night. I wasn't drunk enough to go home with some random guy, was I? My brother would never allow that.

Then it hits me. Oh dear. This is really bad. I told Nate. Of all the people I could have confessed to, it had to be him? What was I thinking?

I try to worm my way out of his embrace, but his arms tighten around me. I assume he's still sleeping, because there's no way Nate would want to be in my presence any longer than absolutely necessary.

I continue squirming but I freeze when I hear his deep voice, "Don't move. Just stay right there."

"No chance."

Now that I know he's awake, I'm not so cautious with my movements. I hear him grunt as I squirm to get away.

He chokes out, "It's alright, I didn't need that rib anyways... Where's the fire, Lex?"

I shoot him a shocked look, "This ain't right, Nate. We need to resume our normal routine. Thanks for bringin' me here and everythin', but we need to forget it ever happened."

He sits up quickly and throws his hands up, "What?! You can't expect me to just forget what you said! It doesn't work like that! You can't just do that!"

I hiss, "You have no idea what I can and can't do..."

I march to the lake and strip off to go for a swim. I hear him gasp and I can't fight the smirk that appears on my face. He can't see it because my back is to him, but I know the power a female body has over a man.

As I swim away from the bank, I hear Nate's truck door slam and then start up. As he leaves, I chuckle; that worked like a charm.

It's nearly 9am when I get back home. I must have slept late. That never happens, but I won't overthink it or even spend any time thinking about it. Nate is helping my mom make breakfast and my dad has just come in from the barn.

"Did y'all have a good night, Little Bit?"

"Oh, yes sir. Have you seen Caleb yet?"

Nate snorts, "We won't be seeing him until noon. At least. They're all completely passed out in there. It stinks like old dog farts and sweaty boots..."

I start to chuckle and then realize this is Nate. I'm not supposed to be talking to him. Even my parents are shocked by my little outburst, because they both snap their heads to look at me.


My mom is the first to speak, "Did you just laugh at Nate's joke?"

"I'm imaginin' Caleb's house smellin' like dog fart..."

My dad shakes his head, "You laughed at his joke. Is the world spinnin' in an opposite direction to normal?"

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"You can shower after breakfast. Help set the table, Alexis."

I grumble as I take the cutlery to the dining room. I want to be as far away from Nate as possible right now.

Speaking of, he appears right behind me and whispers, "You think you're clever pullin' that stunt this mornin'?"

I smirk, "It worked, didn't it?"

"Don't count on it workin' twice, darlin'. Nice tattoos, by the way."

As he steps away from me, I wonder if that's a challenge. No, I won't take the bait. He's just trying to play me. I won't let that happen. I totally forgot about the tattoos on my back. Obviously, he's seen those now too. I groan at the thought of my brother's best friend seeing a lot more of me than he really should. It seemed like a good idea at the time, getting him to leave quickly, but that might just have backfired in my face.

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