Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

Nate's P.O.V.

Lex is acting... weird. And it's not just because she has a hangover. I chuckle because I know she'd protest at me using that word. She would insist she doesn't have a hangover. I don't know if Lex knows I'm dating Harper, but I sure ain't starting that conversation. If she brings it up then I'll discuss it with her. I don't want anything to ruin the friendship we're building right now.

After I drop Lex at her truck, I go to visit Harper at the motel. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey you. How's it goin'? I didn't expect to see you tonight."

"I was at my parents' for supper. Anyone in tonight?"

"A couple people passin' through and a young family on holiday. I don't think they'll stay too long though. Not enough for the kids to do."

"Willow Creek ain't really a place for kids that ain't brought up here."

"True. I guess you and Caleb were pretty lucky havin' the ranch."

"Definitely. We got into our fair share of trouble though. Especially as teenagers with the rest of the guys..."

The bell on the main door dings as it opens and the Sheriff walks in.

"Hey y'all. Sorry to interrupt. Harper, is your momma here?"

"Yes sir. She's upstairs. I'll call up for her."

As Harper speaks to her momma on the phone, the Sheriff turns to me.

"Did Alexis get home safely?"


"Is she ok?"


"What's crawled up your butt?"

I frown, "Have you apologized to Lex?"


"How can you even ask that? You weren't drunk enough to forget your behavior..."

Harper's momma appears behind the desk, so our conversation is cut short. I tune out their conversation and Harper runs her fingers across my forehead. I'm frowning again.

"What was all that 'bout? Y'all looked pretty unhappy with each other."

"Just a disagreement 'bout last night."

"Don't be too hard on him. He was drinkin' and just enjoyin' himself..."

"So was Lex. He took advantage of that though, especially after he cast her aside..."

She places a kiss on my cheek and smiles at me, "I know Alexis is part of your family and you wanna protect her, but maybe you gotta see things from a different perspective. Maybe she was takin' advantage of him instead? I know it's not what you wanna hear, but maybe it's the truth. She wasn't exactly runnin' away from him, or anyone else, was she?"

My frown deepens and I wonder what her true feelings about Lex are.

"She was drunk, Harper. Any guy who uses that is takin' advantage of a girl..."

I don't know why, but my brain chooses this moment to tune back in to the Sheriff's conversation.

I hear Mrs W. say, "I hear there should be an upcomin' weddin' for you some time soon?"

He looks just as confused as I feel.

"Sorry ma'am?"

"Well, I've been hearin' 'bout the way you and Miss Voight were dancin' last night. I take it y'all are datin' again and we're waitin' for a weddin' date?"

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