Chapter 5: The Idol

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"이 투어에 흥미를 더할 아이디어를 생각해냈어요. 이것 때문에 오늘로 회의를 잡아 논거에요. 왜냐하면 도움이 좀 필요하거든요." [I've come up to an idea that would spice up this tour. I have set a meeting for this today because I need your whole leg on this.]

"다섯 멤버들 모두 각자 다른 나라의 팬과 데이트를 할거에요." [All of 5 members will date a fangirl from different countries. And we will start with you, Adam Yoon.] Ko PD says, the over-all director of this tour, as he points his index finger pertaining to me. 'Cause for your information, I am the leader of Kollision, Adam Yoon. I don't have any idea about this 'idea' he is saying.

"네?" [Yes?]

"우리는 한 주 동안 당신하고 함께 시간을 보낼 여성 한 분을 무작위로 뽑을 거예요. 간단히 말해서, 그녀는 일주일 동안 당신의 여자친구가 되는 거죠." [We will be choosing a random girl who will spend her week with you. In a simpler tone, she will be your girlfriend for 7 days.]

WHAT? That is something I never expected to happen in my life!

"일주일은 너무 길어요! 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁜데 그게 어떻게 가능해요?" [1 week is too long! I'm busy as a bee. How is that possible?] I am not able to control my mouth and I just blurted things out to him right there and then regardless if it may sound disrespectful.

"도전이죠" [That's the challenge there.]

"진심이세요? 정말 지금 제가 데이트를 하길 바라시는거에요? 제 다른 스케줄은요? 모든 스케줄을 취소해야해요?" [Are you sure? Do you really want me to date right now? What about my other schedules? Should I just cancel them all?]

"아니요 당연히 아니죠" [No, of course not.]

"아니면 뭐예요? 저는 그녀를 어디든 데려갈 수 없어요. 잠깐, 우리 어떤 여성 분에 대해서 얘기하고 있는 거죠?" [Then what? I just can't bring her anywhere. Wait, what girl are we talking about here?]

"그녀는 필리핀 여자일거예요." [She'll be from Philippines.]

"필리핀이요? 우리는 필리핀에서 3일밖에 안 머무르지 않나요?" [What? We'll only stay in the Philippines for 3 days, right?]


"전 정말 그녀를 항상 어디든 데려갈 수 없는데요??" [I can't really bring her anywhere with me all the time??]

"그리고.. 여성분이 이것에 대해서 어떻게 반응할지 잘 모르겠어요.." [And... I don't know... how will she respond to this...] and by that, I believe hyung already knows what I mean.

Don't get me wrong. But she's a FAN! I do love my fans of course but they got some hype that I could not handle. I've been in different cases, I want to reach them as much as possible without me getting hurt but it's a hopeless scenario. What more with this?

"아담씨, 모든 것이 순조롭게 진행될 거예요. 게다가 그녀는 모든 관중들이 아니라 단지 한 명의 팬일 뿐이에요." [Adam, everything will be under control. We have the script. Besides, she's just a fan and not the whole crowd—]

He's missing the point. One means crowd and crowd means a whole world for me.

"그러니까 제발 이 일이 잘 될 수 있게 도와줘요. 다른 걱정 있어요?"[So please, help me work this out. Any other concerns?"]

 "무슨 일이 생기든 아담씨가 안전한 건 확실하죠?" [Are you sure Adam would be safe from anything can happen?] 

"확실해요 Jae씨." [Certainly, Miss Jae.]

"어떤 여성 분인가요? 여성분이 이미 와 계신가요?" [So who is the girl? Do we have the girl already here?]

"아담씨가 콘서트에서 여성 한 분을 선택할 거예요" [Adam will choose the girl in the concert.]

"지금 선택할 순 없는 건가요?" [Can't we choose now?] I interrupt when Miss Jae was about to answer back.

"지금은 안돼요.대본에 포함되어 있기 때문에 콘서트에서 선택할거예요." [No. We will choose at the concert because it is included in the script.]

"어떻게요?" [Okay, how?]

"그게 제가 이 회의를 소집한 이유에요. 콘서트가 지금부터 한 달 앞으로 다가왔잖아요.우리는 여전히 일주일동안 뭘 해야할지에 대해서 준비할 많은 시간이 있는걸지도 몰라요.하지만 백지상태에서 시작하는 건 항상 힘들거에요.우리가 어떻게 여성분을 선택하는 게 좋을지 좀 도와 줄 수 있어요? 아담씨 의견이 필요해요." [That's the reason I've called for a meeting. The concert is approaching 1 month from now. We may still have a lot of times to prepare for all the things you will do for a week. But starting from a blank page would always be hard, can you help us to how will we choose the girl? We also need to hear your opinion, Adam.]

A lot of suggestions are dropped and none was agreed upon yet until I was asked by my own manager, Miss Jae.

"아담씨는 어때요? 관중하고 마주 할 사람이잖아요." [How about you, Adam? Since you'll be the one to face the crowd.]

"어.. 글쎄요? 관중들을 향해서 무언갈 던지는 건 어때요?" [Uhhhh... I don't know??? Like throw something at them?]

"그거 좋은 생각이네요." [I think that's a good idea] - Ko PD

"콘서트에서 팬들이 멤버들과 소통할 수 있는 기회를 가지나요? 게임같은거요." [Do the fans have a chance to interact with members in the concert like games or whatever?]

Since 9 I knew that I would have a genius manager like her,

"우리는 준비한게 아무것도 없어요. 하지만 마지막 순서에 할 솔로 공연을 준비할거예요." [We did not prepare anything but I will prepare a solo performance in the in the last as a closing number.] 

"그럼 그때 뭔가 할 수 있겠네요!" [Then you could do something at the time!]

"뭘요? 한 여성팬분께 스테이지로 함께 올라가자고 묻는 거요?" [What? Ask one fangirl to come up in the stage with me?]

"너무 평범해요." [Too plain] - Ko PD

"상투적이기도 하고요. 어쿠스틱 공연 할 거예요?" [And cliche. Will you do acoustic performance?] - Miss Jae

"아마 할 거 같아요. 세레나데는 필리핀 사람들이 자신이 좋아하는 여자한테 마음을 표현하는 전통적인 방법이죠." [Most likely. Serenade, it's the traditional way of the Filipinos in expressing their feelings to the girl they like.]

"그러면 말씀하셨던 것처럼, 관중들을 향해서 무언가를 던지는 건 좋을거 같아요." [Then like what you said, throwing something to the crowd would be a good idea...]

Finally getting her point, we settle the exact set-up and then the meeting is adjourned.



Credits to Ellie (a friend from Korea and found in HelloTalk app) for giving out the Korean translation of the conversations above.

Week in a Lifetime ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon