Chapter One

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John's POV

I looked out the window as the big black gates to Princeton College passed by me. Today was the first day I would be on my new campus. School started a week after, but I needed to get used to change. I don't know anyone here, so that's in my bucket list.

"We're here." My dad said, as he hauled the car to a stop and stared at me.

"Thanks, dad! I re-"

Dad then violently pushed me out of the car and tossed all my luggage out. Then he sped away, not looking back. Every since I told my dad I was gay, he treated me differently. He didn't claim me as his son. He tried to turn my family against me. If I even mentioned a word even remotely related to gay, he would beat me. Believe me, I've lived with this most of my life.

I gathered my stuff from the sidewalk and went to the lobby of my dorm area. It was real classy- a chandelier up top of the roof, and sofas around a glass table with roses. I walked across the marble floors and reached the front desk.

"Excuse me, I'm John Laurens."

The lady re-placed her glasses and looked at her computer.

"Ah, yes, Laurens. Welcome! Your dorm will be in the hallway to right, the third room. Here's your key, have a good day!"

The lady handed me the keys, and I went into my dorm. I unlocked the door and see someone sewing something. He had dark skin and black hair, and was wearing a grey beanie.

"Ummmm..." I stammered, closing the door.

The guy jolted up and turned around.

"Well..! I didn't expect company! I guess you're the roommate."

The guys put this stuff away and walked towards me.

"I'm Hercules, but you can gladly call me Herc."

"John. John Laurens."

We awkwardly shook hands as I went towards my room. It was next to his room, and it was slightly smaller than his room. It had a green wall and wood floor. I rolled my bag next to my bed and plopped onto it. Ahhh... it was such a comfy bed! My dad normally made me sleep on the hardest mattress there is. I  scanned through my room and saw that quite a few things were here. There was a TV in the corner, I had a closet to the  opposite side of my bed, and a huge window in the center of the back wall. There was also a ugly vomit-green rug in the center of my room, and a fan in the center of the ceiling. I opened the curtains of the window and began unpacking my things. In an hour, I was halfway done unpacked. I plopped down onto my bed again and looked around.

This was something I could DEFINITELY get used to.

A few minutes later, Herc ran to my room and plopped onto my legs. I screamed as he jumped onto me.

"AHHHH! HERC!" I hollered, trying to push him off.


"I've never heard of a bar here. And I haven't been to one in years." I said.

My dad would beat me if I did it again. He also beat me when I went, either way.

Herc gasped. "YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!"

He pulled  my out of my room and ran out of the dorm.

Herc drove me to the bar. He barged through the doors and greeted 2 others at a table next to the door.

"YO, IF IT AIN'T MA HOMIES!" He yelled, going over and nudging them.

I nervously walked over to them. One of the guys had dark skin and dark hair as well, but in a high bun.

The other one...

he was...

oh my gosh.

He had brown hair in a pony  tail and had white skin. His eyes shinned so bright, they made me speechless.

"Herc! Mon ami, who is this?" One guy said, pointing at me as I sat down.

"Guys, this is John. My roommate. Looks like a player. Be jealous."

Both of the guys laughed and slammed their fists against the table.

"Lafayette." He shook hands with me.

"Alexander Hamilton." The other one said, and fist-bumped me.

I took a seat. Everyone order something to drink. I ordered something small. I ain't getting drunk. We all said cheers and drank.

"So, John, hold old are you?" Laf  said, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"I'm 18. 19 in a couple of months." I said, finishing my small drink.

"Oooh, we have a young one for you, Alexander!" Laf said, elbowing Alex.

Herc and Laf joked around and laughed while Alex chugged his drink and asked for more.

I smiled.

Wait, Alex is gay?

"How old are you guys?" I asked, taking off my blue sweater.

"We're all 19, except." Herc said, sipping his drink whole and stole Laf's drink chug.

"Herc! It's miiine!" Laf pouted, crossing his arms.

"Let the man have his booze!" Alex stated, trying to steal the drink from Herc.

"Herc, give him back his drink." I said.

"Come and get it." Herc said, taking another sip.

"You're gonna pay!" Laf said, slapping Herc nonstop.

"John, grab his arms! I'll try to get the drink!" Alex hollered, reaching over to Herc.

I gripped Herc's hands together as Alex tried to snatch the drink. Laf kept slapping him.

"You think Frenchie, Hammy, and Curly could withstand me?" Herc said, standing up and walking away, dragging me along, still gripping his hands.

"AM I CURLY?! I'LL TEACH YOU CURLY!" I screamed, pulling his down and Alex getting Laf's drink.

A couple of hours later

It's already 1 in the morning. Alex, Laf, and Herc have been all over the place, crazy and wild and hung over. I reached in Herc's pocket for his keys and grabbed everyone's arm.

"Guys, time to go."

Laf tried to squirm away. "NO, LEAVE US ALONE, MAN!"

Herc vomited all over the table and nodded.

"You want some fuc?" Alex whispered. NOW they're drunk.

"I'm driving you guys to our place. You can crash there in the meantime."

I eventually dragged everyone to the car. As I drove, Laf passed out, Herc puked, and Alex flattered me. My face turned as red as it is until we got there. Herc gradually carried unconscious Laf and yelled, "LETS TRAVEL THE WORLD!"

I tried to maintain Alex as he stumbled the whole way to our dorm. I closed the door and threw the keys onto the table. I carried Alex to the couch and took out all the pillows so he could sleep comfy. I tried to push Herc and Laf to Herc's room, which was a disadvantage of being then shortest one in the group. Herc passed out on his bed and began to snore. Laf lay on the rug on the floor. I got pillows and blankets from the closet and made and Alex comfy without waking them up. In changed into my PJ's and tried to finish unpacking everything.

I glaced at the clock with my tired eyes. It was 3 in the morning, and I JUST finished unpacking all of my belongings. Just as I was a about to go under my blue covers, i heard noises from the living room. I walked over there and saw Alex rolled over in the ground. I carried him back onto the couch as I stumbled back to my bed. I turned off my lights and go under my warm covers. I close my heavy eyelids and fell asleep.

Hey readers! Please enjoy this story! I love you all, and have a good day!

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