Chapter Twenty-Six

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John's POV

"Hurry up, John!"

I groaned as Alex kept screaming and squirming around on my back. We were all gonna do a game of capture the flag and Alex didn't want to be late.

"I'm going as fast as I can Alex, and you may be cute and small, but you're heavy."

Alex just giggled and gave me a little peck on the cheek. That little bastard, he knew me too well.

"Just try to hurry up, I wanna beat Jeffershit! We need to beat him to show him who's boss!"

"It's just a game, Alex."


I just shook my head and stayed quiet. Soon, we saw the giant forest we were gonna play in and saw everyone. I took that time to actually sprint as Alex screamed and held on tight, wrapping his legs and arms around me as he stuck his head into my shoulder.

It was pretty cute.

We got to everyone and I was panting and just fell, Alex still on me.

"JOHN YOU'RE GONNA SUFFOCATE ME!" Alex pushed me off of him and got up, leaving me there.

"Alright everyone, here are the teams." Mr.Washington stated, getting everyone's attention. Washington could seriously lead the military if he wanted to.

"The purple team- John Adams, Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton, Charles Lee, Hercules Mulligan, James Reynolds, Eliza Schuyler, and Peggy Schuyler."

Eliza, Peggy, Herc, and ALex flipped off the rest of our gang off as they went with their team. I felt bad they had Charles Lee. He's just an ass, and he knows I hate him. They got their flag and went to their side of the vast forest.

"The green team- Theodosia Bartow, Thomas Jefferson, Lafayette, James Madison, Maria Lewis, Angelica Schuyler, and John Laurens."

James went to say something to me, Angie, Laf, and Maria before being dragged away by Thomas. He's so mean to him, he's just being nice!

Thomas got our flag and we walked throughout the forest to our side. When we got there, Thomas stabbed the flag into the muck and looked at the rest of us.

"Maria, guard the flag. I'll go first, since I'm the best." He ordered.

"I'll gladly guard the flag, but there's no way you're the best thing we got in this team." Maria spat out, and we all 'ooh'ed at that one.

Thomas just rolled his eyes and went ahead for a bit, and got into a sprinting position.

Me, Angie, and Laf stayed a bit behind them and got in our positions. James joined us as well and gave us a little wave.

"Good luck guys." He smiled a little.

"Good luck, Jammie. Can I call you Jammie?" Angie asked.

James thought for a moment before nodding.


As Washington spoke through his megaphone, as all stared ahead of us at the many trees.


"I hope we get thew flag before the others." Laf commented.


"Me too Laf, me too."


Everyone but Maria sprinted towards the other side. I ran by Angie's side, since Thomas was already ahead of us and Laf went one way. I saw James go a bit to the side, away from the crowd.

"What's the plan?!" I asked as we jumped over a log.

"I don't know, just get the flag!" She responded.

After she said that, we say the other team run towards us. Aaron wasn't there, so I guess he was guarding the flag.

"CHARGE!" Peggy screamed, coming towards Angie and jumping on her, making her fall over. I saw Alex for a split second, and he winked at me before taking off again. I winked back and kept running, getting farther and farther from everyone. I heard footsteps behind me, must've been James.

I ran deep in the forest, past everyone. It started getting empty, so I assumed all the action was back there. I slowed down and started to walk, trying not to make any noises. I kept walking and saw a speck of purple in the distance, from bellow the small hill I was apparently on. Their flag.

Before I could walk any further, someone tackled me and we fell down the hill. We got to the bottom and I saw who was atop of me.

Charles fucking Lee.

"What do you want Lee?" I snarled, pushing him off and looking the scrapes I got from rolling down that damn hill.

"Just to talk." Charles said.

"No way. Any talk with you isn't worth my time."

I started to head to their flag before that little female dog grabbed my wrist.

"You might wanna listen, it's about Hamilton."

I turned around briskly to face him.

"What about Alex?"

"Word has been going around that he has a rough past, doesn't he?"

I stayed quiet. That information was only between the gang, and no one outside it knew.

"Tell me what those things are, and I'll let you go. You can be popular like us, and we can help you from your little daddy issue."

I felt my eyes widen. How did he know about my dad?

"No way. "

Charles snickered. "Have it your way, Jacky."

He then threw a punch at me, and kicked my stomach forcefully. I clutched it and fell on my knees to the ground.

"Tell me you moron." Charles demanded.


He kept punching and kicking me, but I stood up and punched his nose, making it start bleeding. He proceeded to keep punching my chest and arms, and I kicked his side. We went on with that for while before he grabbed me and pinned my against a tree, lifting me up slightly and his fingers around my neck.

"Stop!" I yelled.

He just grinned at me menacingly.

"C-Come on, this isn't funny!" I screamed, and I felt myself lose some oxygen as has, oh you know,  CHOKING ME.

He instead punched my stomach with his free hand. I started to feel myself lose consciousness from lack of air, and then felt his hand get removes from my throat and I fell onto the ground, being lifted onto someone's lap as the darkness took over.

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