Chapter Two

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Herculeus's POV

I opened my eyes and gave a deep moan. My stomach hurt and I had a bad headache. I didn't remember what happened last night... except for the bar... oh shit.
I looked aroud and I was back in my room. I stood up and tripped over something. I rubbed my head and saw...Lafayette?

"Owww...huh? Herculeus?! What are you doing in my room?!" He asked.

"What do you mean, YOUR ROOM?! YOU'RE in MY room!" I screamed.

"Oh shoot... now I remember what happened." Lafayette put his shirt back on.

Damn it! He looked kinda cute...

"You, me, and Alex got mad drunk and your roomy had to take us here... I think. Mon ami, I can't think straight with my head aching!"

Me and Lafayette walked over to the living room and saw Alex on the couch, typing something on his computer.

"Morning, dude." I said, sitting next to him.

"Yeah." He responded, not even looking up from his screen.

"When did you wake up?" Lafayette asked, lay on the chair next to us.

"A few minutes ago. Also, what happened."

"We drunk and John took us here." Lafayette claimed, re-doing his bun.

"I'm gonna see what John's doing." I said, standing up and burst through John's room.

"Yooo, whatc-"

I shut my mouth and saw John asleep under his covers. His bun got loose and his poofy hair was everywhere. He hugged a tiny green turtle plush. I silently walked out and closed the door. I came back to Laf and Alex and sat down.

"What's he up to?" Alex said, closing his computer.

"He's asleep." I responded, and Alex straightened his posture.

"I hope he's okay." Alex said.

Laf and I wiggles our eyebrows at Alex. He sighed and dodged our actions.

After some time, John walked over with his messy hair and rubbed his eyes. He looked over to us and smiled.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty. How you been?" I said, and Laf cracked up laughing.

"Good, actually, thank you. How are you guys?" John asked, and sat down on a chair near us.


"Yeah, thanks for taking care of us." Alex said.

John blushed at his words.

"Yo, dude, your hair's a mess."

John felt his hair and quickly put it in a messy bun. He chuckled and went to the kitchen.

*** *** *** ***

I ran to the Schuyler's house holding icecream. Jefferson broke up with Angelica, and she was heartbroken. Of course, he was ALREADY a dick, but whatever.
I burst through the door.


Eliza walked over to me and took the icecream and spoons out of me hands. "Thanks, mom friend."

I let out a sigh and walk towards Angie. She's curled up in a ball of blankets on her bed. Peggy and Maria were comforting her, and Eliza took the icecream and gave it to Angie. I walked towards her and sat on her bed. She blew her nose with a tissue and looked towards me.

"Thanks, Herc." Angie sniffed, turning on the TV.

"Thomas was a Jerk for dumping you!" Eliza exclaimed, taking a spoonfull of the chocolate icecream.

That was Angelicas favorite flavor.

"Thomas was a jerk anyway! Remember when he fought Alex? Or made fun of Lafayette? Or only wanted Maria for sex?!" I screamed.

Peggy hugged Angie in one arm, and hugged Maria in he other.

"Don't mention that..." Maria shuddered.

"I know... but I thought he would be different..." Angie said.

I kept getting texts Lafayette. I quickly glanced at then.


I rolled my eyes and put away my phone. Me, Eliza, Peggy, and Maria kept comforting Angie as she ate her icecream and sobbed into out shoulders.

I later gave Lafayette what he needed and thanked me. I walked to my dorm alone. I opened the door to my dorm and shut it. John was watching a movie on the couch, stuffing his face with popcorn. I sat down next to him. The table between the TV and the couch had cups of coffee cups and bags of chips. John had a blanket over his lap.

"What happened in here?" I asked, stealing John's chips.

"Me and Lafayette had a Harry Potter movie marathon. We finished the movies, so Lafayette left. I'm watching The Little Mermaid, don't judge."

"First of all, watching all those movies takes forever. Second, I love this movie." I said.

John started laughing until he lookes at my face. He then cleared his throat and continued watching the movie.

"Why are there, like, 7 coffee cups?" I asked, throwing them away.

"We had to stay awake to watch the movies. Duh." John said, patting the side of couch so I could sit down again.

While I were at the "Under the Sea" part, I felt a something fall on my shoulder. John fell asleep and leaned towards me. I turned off the TV and brung John to his room. I set him down on his bed ad went to mine. I texted Lafayette.

HorseFucker- Heyyy what you up to?
SassyFrenchman- Herc it's 12 am whatever you're gonna say better be important
HorseFucker- Nevermind! Goodnight.

I put away my phone and plug it against the wall. I close my eyes and sleep.

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