Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Angie's POV

"Alright students, is everybody here?" Washington asked.

"John Laurens, Alex, Herc, and James Madison aren't here yet." I said.

Washington nodded and sat down on a log while we waited for them so we could start the bonfire. I turned to Peggy and poked her shoulder.

"Hey Peggs, you think we're gonna make s'mores?" I asked.

"Oooh, I hope so!" Peggy squealed, kicking her legs excitedly.

Laf chuckled and wrapped an arm around her as she got excited over some s'mores. She always had a hype over that food. I remember the very first time we had s'mores.

*** *** *** ***

We were in our mansion, sitting in front of a fireplace. There was a blizzard going on, so me and my sisters were scared, being only little kids. We were huddled in a blanket, hugging eachother and shaking.

"Come on girls, cheer up, let's make some s'mores!" Our mother said happily.

Me and Eliza stayed scared while Peggy shot right out of the blanket and ran towards mother. Peggy, always being the most naive and excited one about things, immediately forgot about the storm outside.

Mother handed her a metal stick with a marshmallow at the tip, and Peggy scooted in front of the fireplace and put the marshmallow in the fire.

"Bumblebee, be careful!" Mother exclaimed.

"Honey, let her. We're right here, and let her try it." Father said, making mother mutter 'she's only 6'.

Peggy roasted her marshmallow for about 30 seconds before taking it aback. Mother snacked it in some graham crackers and chocolate, handing it back to Peggy as she took a bite.

"More, more, MORE!" Peggy giggled, grabbing the whole bag. She made three more, and handed two to us.

*** *** *** ***

"Finally, ya dingus' made it!" I heard Maria say.

I looked ahead to see John, Alex, James ,and Herc run over here, sweaty and panting.

"Boys, take your seats! You're lucky we haven't started!" Washington said, the 4 of them apologizing and rushing to logs beside us.

"Madison, haven't expected this behavior from you, please don't do it again." Washington said calmly, making James apologize.

"Laurens, you feeling better?" Washginton asked.

"Better, thank you sir." John nodded.

I scooted a bit so Herc could sit beside me, now it was him, me, Peggy, and Laf on the log.

"What took you so long? I could have sworn you guys died right then and there." I muttered as Washington explained what would happen tomorrow.

"We got a bit carried away by the time, don't worry we didn't die. Well, not physically anyways." Herc whispered, making us snicker.

We all got handed some sticks and 3 marshmallows each. We then proceeded to put our marshmallows in the fire.

"Man, I haven't made these since I was starting middle school." Herc said, grinning.

"Oui, we went camping and that was the last time." Laf said.

"We made them last year for winter break." Peggy smiled.

"Peggy made us, she always wants to make some." I said.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"That's the point!"

We all laughed at that, and ate our s'mores. Some people started to leave once everyone had already aten them and just engaged in conversations.

"Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr!" Alex smirked, winking at Aaron's direction as he carried a sleeping Theo to her bunk.

"Woah, what a ladie's man, I'm so jealous!" I hooted.

We just made fun of Aaron as he walked away with Theo. Washington was starting to tell us to stop mocking him, but we all saw his smile.

We were talking for god knows how long, because people started getting sleepy. Washington already went to his cabin, it was just the Revolutionary Squad and "The Top"- aka consisting of Thomas Jeffershit, Samuel Seabitch, James Reycrotch, and Charles Fuck. Aaron is kind of part it, but doesn't like it, and just hangs out with John Adams and Theo more.

"Alright guys, we already have almost half of the squad gone." Alex spoke, picking up John, who was dead asleep.

We all nodded and went to head to our cabins. Maria, being as strong as she is, got a passed out Eliza in her arms. Peggy and Laf were asleep against each other, so Herc took the responsibility of taking Laf and him and Alex were on their way. I was starting to get Peggy when James interfered and took her.

"Jammie, you don't have to take her, I can do it." I reassured.

"Don't worry, my cabin is on the way to yours, and you look  a bit tired." James smiled.

"Thank you."

James nodded, and we began to walk out with Maria to our cabin.

"Hey James! Why are you with them?"

We looked back at Thomas glaring at us, but more at James.

"Because I-"

"Because what, James? What do they have that is better than what we have?" Thomas asked.

James took a deep breath, and turned his whole body around so he was directly at Thomas.

"You, Thomas Jefferson, are a piece of shit, and don't deserve people like us. Stop thinking you're the best that you can be, now take a deep breath and get your crap together."

Me and Maria cheered James on as he walked away with us to our cabin, Thomas with a face of pure shock on his face.

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