Chapter Nine

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John's POV

I grumbled as the hallway light shone in my face. I opened my eyes and and Herc threw his bookbag at me. I groaned look at Herc.

"Get up, John!" Herc screamed.

I hesitantly got up and took a shower and got dressed. When I was done, I grabbed my bag and waited for Herc.

"HERC, HURRY UP!" I hollered. He saw Herc tumbling through the door.

God damnit there's no way.

"Herc, were you drinking?!" I asked.

Herc shook his head, but then nodded. I immediately slapped his forehead.

"Oh my god, Herc. You're gonna go to school drunk?! Are you out of your mind?! IS THIS WHY YOU WERE UP SO EARLY?!"

Herc gripped my arm. I reluctantly walked out the door, keeping ahold of Herc.

"I'm gonna take away your booze priveleges." I muttered to myself.

As Herc and I neared the school, I  found Alex on his phone. I went over to hug him, and Alex hugged me back. We sustained the hug for a long while before letting go and both turning red. We were boyfriend and boyfriend, but just starting or, you know?

"What's with Herc?" Alex asked, changing the subject.

"He drank alcohol this morning without my consent." I mumbled.

Herc leaned against me.
Alex slapped Herc.

"Hercules Mulligan! Are you insane?! This is school we're talking about!" Alex screamed.

Herc shrugged. I sighed and looked at Alex.

"Well, we better get going." I said.

Alex held my hand on the way. I could feel my palms getting sweaty. Wow, so slick John.

*** *** *** ***

I made my way to Marine Biology. Yeah, I chose that elective. Fight me.
I walked in and took a seat. Our teacher was so nice. He welcomed us and did an introductiom to it. I doodled turtles all over a page of my notebook.
I like turtles. Love, ADORE, actually. Everyone knows that, but YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. TURTLES ARE LIFE. I'm considering getting one, actually.
The next thing I knew, class ended. I got my stuff and walked to the front of the school. I met up with Alex, Laf, and Herc, still kinda wasted. Laf decided to bring Herc back to the dorm. Alex and I wanted to walk alone around campus and just... talk.

We walked down the garden area. It's not called that, but with all the flowers and trees, it should be called that.

"But why are you so smart?" I asked, smirking.

"Learning helps me get away from my troubles."

"What troubles?"

Alex didn't respond.


As we walked down, I noticed Alex wasn't by my side. I looked around and saw him trembling somewhere, Thomas in front of him James Madison. Oh god.
I ran over there and saw Alex sobbing. I kept running as I heard Thomas say things.

"You filthy immigrant! Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be off making me a sandwich?"
Alex started sobbing harder.

I ran in front of him, hugging him. Alex hugged me tight and sobbed on my shoulder.

"Don't talk to him." I declared. Alex's tears were staining my shirt.

"Oh yeah? What's gonna stop me?" Thomas asked.

James looked guilty for what Thomas was doing to Alex.

"This." I demanded.

I punched Thomas's jaw.

"Hope that'll make you shut up."

Thomas cracked his knuckles and attacked me. I pushed Alex away and gave some blows to Thomas, Thomas hitting me back. James helped Alex up and apologized for what Thomas was doing. Me and Thomas stumbled around hitting eachother. Thomas then proceeded to grab me and pinned me against the wall. He kneed my stomach and I groaned, forcing back tears. No tears equals no mercy.

"You stop me one. More. Time."

Thomas kicked me in my stomach again and dropped me. We both beat eachother pretty badly, worth it though.

"Come on James." Thomas declared.

James mumbled something to Alex and followed Thomas.

Alex walked over to me and kneeled down in front of me.

"John! Are you okay?!" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

I got up and almost fell cause of the pain in my gut, but Alex helped me up and helped me up to my dorm.

*** *** *** ***

"Mon ami, Johnny boy, you idiot!"

Laf and Herc were examining me after Alex told them what happened. You cute blabbermouth.

"Why were you fighting for me? I could've fought it myself!" Alex responded.

"Alex I had to help you. I couldn't...."

"Couldn't what?"

"...Couldn't bare to see you hurt."

Alex stared at me and handed me another icepack.

"Y-You're still a dimwit." Alex said, looking down and blushing.

Laf and Alex stayed for a few minutes before leaving. As he leaved, he kissed me cheek while no one was watching.

"Stay safe, dimwit."

He walked off and waved goodbye as nothing happened. Herc closed the door and looked at me, smiling.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"You're red. Something happened."

"N-No! I just... feel hot."

"Yeah, hot for Alex."

I crossed my arms and looked away. I couldn't just walk away- it hurt.

"Whatever lover boy. I'm gonna be in my room. Ciao." Herc walked away, blowing air kisses at me.

Sometimes I just feel like strangling him.

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