01. "how old are you?"

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I was on my fourth cup of coffee now, trying to concentrate hard enough to write this stupid essay. Honestly English class should be banned from all high schools. Seriously I hate that stupid course.

I put my hair up in a messy, crooked bun. It was almost dinner time, but I was about to pass out. I stayed up till 6:00 last night on FaceTime with my best friend Camille. First she called me up asking for outfit advice, then we brought up the topic of boys and it all went downhill from there.

I finally managed to write my name and the date down. By that time mom had called me downstairs for dinner so I figured that was enough progress for one night.

I closed my laptop, got off my king sized bed and headed downstairs. My house was pretty big, and I had the largest room out of my brother and I. That always ticked him off, cause he was the oldest so he always felt he deserved the bigger room. Oh well, it's not like he even uses his room anymore, plus I don't mind getting under his skin. Me and Ryan, my brother, have a weird relationship. We never really talk about things other than school or parents, we annoy each other all the time, but he is the most overprotective person I could think of.

I waltz into the kitchen to see my mom cooking up a storm. I'm quite surprised because she never cooks this much every night.

"Mom? What's all this food for?" I ask jumping on to the counter and stealing a small tomato from the cutting board. "We have company tonight, and Tony's coming over". I always hated when she called him that. Tony. Why couldn't she just say my dad. I let it slide though. Getting into a heated argument with my mom is not something I'm up for tonight.

She looks up at me and makes sure that I'm aware of my extremely tired appearance. I roll my eyes and jump off the counter. I walk towards the mirror near the front door. I nearly gasp at the sight of my face. There are huge bags under my eyes, and my bun looks like a hurricane went through my head.

Suddenly I'm startled as the front door swings open and I jump back. Loud chuckles greet me along with a familiar face. My brother walks in and notices me. His smile slightly fades. "Holly, what are you doing? Spying on me?" he mocks. I roll my eyes.

He steps aside and welcomes in an unfamiliar face. I stand aside as a very tall guy, with the perfect messy hair and gorgeous brown eyes walks in. I nearly faint at the sight of him. He is so gorgeous I could melt. He notices me and flashes an awkward smile my way.

I smile back. Really wishing I could just rewind all of this, run back upstairs, fix my hair, put on some proper makeup, pick out a cute outfit, and then come back downstairs to do this again. "Oh, um, this is Sawyer, Sawyer, meet my little sister, Holly" Ryan said.

Sawyer reached his hand out for me to shake. I feel completely disgusting right now, in the presence of one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I shake his hand anyway, wanting to kill myself. "Hey" he smiled. His smile could actually end wars. "Hi, nice to meet you" I mutter. We share an awkward pause just staring at each other until Ryan pulls us out of our moment. "Okay...well I'm gonna go see if mom needs help in the kitchen, try not to scare him off" he says walking past us and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't know Ryan had a little sister" he puts his hands in his pockets. The pocket of his grey sweatpants, that make him look one hundred percent hotter.

"I'm not little" I say, with a little more sass than I intended.

"Oh sorry" he laughs. "Then how old are you?".

"18" I mutter. Seriously can't stop looking at him. His jawline. His hair. How I just wanna run my hands through it. Stop it Holly, contain yourself.

"Oh nice" he smiles again. "Thanks" I say sarcastically. "You can just come in, the dining room is that way" I point and he just nods, grabs his bag and walks right in.

I decide to sprint upstairs while everyone is getting acquainted. If I'd have known my brother would be bringing a hot friend over for dinner I'd have prepared myself. I had almost forgotten that his college break started earlier than mine. It's going to be weird having him back home for a while. I do miss him every time he leaves, but it doesn't really make a difference when he's gone. I see him all the time anyway because his college is so close to our house. He just prefers to live on campus, with all his other college friends.

I quickly grab my makeup bag and apply a nice coat of mascara. I throw off my comfy shorts and put on leggings. I spray some fruity body mist and shimmy through it. Then I put my hair down, brush it and I'm on my way back to the kitchen.

I walk past Sawyer and Ryan having a conversation at the dinner table and I notice Sawyer looks at me when I walk past. I try to hold back the smirk on my face as I help my mom pull the plates out of the cupboard.

After a while my dad finally arrives and we all get to sit down and eat. Something I'm really excited to do considering I haven't had a thing since breakfast.

Sawyer is sitting opposite of me and I'm finding hard not to blush every time he quietly mentions something to Ryan. "Goodness Holly, did you spray enough perfume on?" Mom jokes. I deny it, feeling embarrassed since Sawyer is sitting right across from me. He looks up from his food and chuckles. Our eyes meet and I find it hard to breathe for a moment.

"So Sawyer? What's your major?" Mom asks.

"I'm in law".

"Sawyer the lawyer?" I joke, instantly regretting it because of how stupid it sounds. He laughs though, and his laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. "Yea, you could say that".

Dinner runs on for a little while longer, filled with small chit chat and getting to know Ryan's new friend. Apparently they've been friends for a while now, he just never even mentioned him to my mom. Or me.

I grab a glass of water from the kitchen and walk with it towards my room. As I'm approaching my door I'm suddenly startled by Ryan's door swinging open. "Oh sorry" Sawyer says. His shirt was now off and he was only wearing his grey sweatpants. I nearly choked on my water. "I- It's okay-y" I stutter.

"Um what are you doing here? I mean like, where is your- " I can't even hide my feelings at this point. He's towering over me, with his brown messy hair, his rock hard abs and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Didn't Ryan tell you?". I just shake my head. "I'm staying over, for the next few weeks" a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Oh um, cool".

"Guess we're gonna be next door neighbours for a while".

"Guess so..."

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