12. "scream my name"

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After one slightly awkward car ride, we had finally arrived at the BreadStick. It's a moderately fancy restaurant and I have no idea why my mom decided to take us here tonight, but it doesn't bother me at all.

We get to our table and Sawyer decides to sit next to me, across from Ryan and my mom. I try to pay no mind to it, but my mom certainly seems a bit suspicious. However, we were in this lovely dark booth, surrounded by plants and gorgeous fairy lights. After we all got situated and the waiter came by asking us about our order, Ryan decided to make an announcement. "Um so, actually although family dinners with my best friend, my mom and my little sister are just great". I cough.

"It was actually my idea to come out here tonight because I really wanted to formally introduce someone special to you guys".

We all seem very puzzled at his behaviour. Mainly because the past Ryan would never introduce someone formally to us. Ever. It's got me thinking maybe this person rubbed off on him.

My mom still looks very confused as Ryan, who seems very nervous, talks to my mom. I decide to pay no mind to the mild drama going on as I simply sit next to Sawyer just playing with my fork, waiting for this night to end so I can come home and get in bed. Suddenly I feel his hand run down my thigh. My eyes widen and I jump slightly. Both my mom and Ryan stop their conversing to look at me with furrowed eyebrows, while Sawyer remains calm and collected.

"Are you okay?" My mom asks.

"I'm fine, sorry" I clear my throat. Sawyer's hand moves more to the inner part of my thigh and I wiggle in my seat.

"Oh there she is" Ryan says as he stands up from his seat to greet the tall gorgeous blonde approaching our table with a bright smile on her face. "Everyone, this is Tracy". It takes me a second but I realize that she must be the girl he's been sneaking out to see everyday.

"Pleasure to meet you" my mom chirps. I see through the fakeness of her smile but I bite my tongue. After the introduction finishes and we all finally get our food, the awkward meeting the parents conversation commences.

"So" my mom starts, taking a bite of her chicken. "Where did you guys meet?" a cheerful smile is plastered on her face.

"Well actually we met back in high school, but we just recently found each other at the pool" Ryan explains.

"That's wonderful. So do you know Sawyer?" she asks. Sawyer looks up from his plate of food.

"Yes actually, we all go to the same college now since I moved" Tracy says.

"This is fantastic then. Ryan never brought a girl home to meet us before. How about you come over after dinner? We could all get to know eachother better".

We all just look awkwardly at eachother before deciding to agree. The meal chit chat goes on as we eat more and the mood lightens up a little once Tracy and my mom bond over how they both used to do ballet in their teenage years.

Sawyer's hands remain on my thighs and I had gotten used to it already, until they start to move higher up my leg causing me to nearly choke on my meatball. It's great how Sawyer finds amusement in all of this because on my end it's really difficult to remain perfectly still when his hands are anywhere near me.

"May I be excused? I'll just go to the restroom" I stand up. I need to get away from Sawyer and his hands for a little so I can regain my self control.

After touching up my makeup and fixing my hair I walk out of the little girls room only to be greeted by Sawyer pulling me into the closet right next to the washroom. He pushes me against the wall and just like that again, I'm wrapped around his finger.

His hands rest on my hips as he stares deeply into my eyes. My eyes scan his perfect facial features. His sharp jawline, his sparkling eyes, his plump lips, it makes the rest of the world just melt away.

"Sawyer" I start. He just stares back at me with the smirk on his face that never seems to disappear when he's around me.

"You can't just be doing that, my family could see".

"Nobody saw" he states calmly.

"But what if they do? Sawyer I don't know what this is, but until I figure it out you can't-" I can't figure out a way to put my thoughts into words. I get so flustered and he just seems amused at my agitated state.

"God, you're so cute when you're angry. Did you know that?".

That's all it takes for me again, to smash my lips into his. I place my hands on his shoulders as we make out. He softly puts one hand on my cheek and the other on the back of my neck.

We kiss passionately. Our mouths colliding with eachother in the best way possible. I don't even want to think about how my mom and brother are out there in the restaurant while we're just in the closet, exchanging body heat. It's so wrong but it feels so right.

His hands move to my waist and I run my fingers through his perfectly messy brown hair. We rub up against eachother so much I'm afraid the door might break.

I pull away quickly and try to catch my breath. "We should stop before we go too far" I say. "You're right" he agrees, to my surprise.

"Besides" he says opening the closet door slightly. "If we do go there, I don't want you to whisper. I wanna hear you scream my name".

That's the last thing he says before sending a wink my way and closing the door behind him. I am left with a variety of emotions. For one I'm angry that he can just do that to me and I can fall under his spell so easily. I'm sad that I couldn't pull him back in and let him finish what he started since my family is right there.

And I'm also excited, for the next opportunity I have, to get him alone.

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